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Research Center

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3 hours ago
Feb 25, 2025, 4:43:53 PM

I just started SM2 after a long break playing other games and discovered the new Research Center, where you can buy/research... some 3D modells? WTF?

What's the point? why did they wasted resources on this bs instead of making a new map or ANYTHING USEFULL for the game?

Just finding this in the game already made me quit. My motivation to try the new operation (which on its own is a disapointment that meanwhile only one operation came out) totally vanished seeing this non-sense of a waste of time and money named research center.

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3 hours ago
Feb 25, 2025, 4:52:21 PM

For unlocking stuff in Data section you can unlock rewards. 

This is mechanic that was dramatically needed in this game, because group of players that have nothing to do grows every week. Giving them challenges, some of which is very difficult to accomplish make more people play. 

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3 hours ago
Feb 25, 2025, 4:57:55 PM

whatz rewards? i only see 3d models i can watch in that center. that is not a reward. not even a cosmetic.

Yeah, a reward mechanics would be nice, not that i care much about it. but REWARDS, not this bs.

Overall, coming back after a quite a long time i am extremly disapointed in what they added. Some minor fixes and improvements that where overdue but almost no additional content.

Updated 3 hours ago.
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3 hours ago
Feb 25, 2025, 5:07:10 PM

Man you didn't even check what they added and you go to forum to make rant about it. Load game and look more closely in data center, there are rewards to be unlocked for unlocking everything in each of 4 sections there are.

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36 minutes ago
Feb 25, 2025, 7:21:25 PM

Naus_ wrote:

Man you didn't even check what they added and you go to forum to make rant about it. Load game and look more closely in data center, there are rewards to be unlocked for unlocking everything in each of 4 sections there are.

Indeed, I mean we all agree it could have been done better but there are actual rewards not just models of the stuff in-game. Looking at it for a second then going to the forums to say how much you hate it to the point of this one thing that isn't even gameplay related making you not want to play is... so dramatic. Not to mention that new operation is quite enjoyable and this guy decided he would rather quit for basically no reason than experience the content added in his absence. 

Oh well, RIP, he will not be missed.

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