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​Bulwark is the weakest class

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6 days ago
Mar 11, 2025, 12:42:24 PM


Bulwark is the weakest class, it takes damage even blocking//parrying , shield covers few damage oand only from the front, and starting health is like 1% of other classes

 sword takes forever to kill a small enemy and you are exposed and taking damage while wielding the sword, the flag can revive fallen teammates but that is all, it does not heal or protect enough damage

 is a class for the first 2 difficulties, after that, is eternal waiting to respawn

i'm thinking, this design was influenced by the chaos forces to weaken our squads 

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6 days ago
Mar 11, 2025, 1:19:29 PM

While I agree that Bulwark's damage output is not that great, the other complaints seem unjustified. Perhaps you should spend more time learning how to play this class.

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6 days ago
Mar 11, 2025, 2:46:09 PM

damage wise i agree it needs a big buff, all the others are definitely a skill issue. 

Play around with the builds a bit to see what suits you best and if you play it well enough you wont need stims on ruthless/lethal where you dont even need to use the banner for yourself

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6 days ago
Mar 11, 2025, 3:08:05 PM

In term of damage you described only power sword's problem which is really not that competable to other weapons for Bulwark on high difficulties, so if you want to be a damage dealer Block Chainsword or Balance Power Fist are at your service

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6 days ago
Mar 12, 2025, 1:32:12 AM

Senator_Hades wrote:

In term of damage you described only power sword's problem which is really not that competable to other weapons for Bulwark on high difficulties, so if you want to be a damage dealer Block Chainsword or Balance Power Fist are at your service

Yeah sword is for wanting ready access to easy crowd control in power mode and the highest mobility melee weapon when in speed mode. It is the utility knife of his melee options. It isn't for dealing burst damage, it is closer to the combat blade in that regard.

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5 days ago
Mar 12, 2025, 11:20:18 AM


learn to Bulwark, Brother, because you ain't doing it right

this is Lethal, PUG, Fencing Power Sword, no mods, Xbox 

Updated 5 days ago.
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5 days ago
Mar 12, 2025, 1:00:07 PM

DropzOfCrimzon wrote:


learn to Bulwark, Brother, because you ain't doing it right

this is Lethal, PUG, Fencing Power Sword, no mods, Xbox 

Ye brothers. learn to Bulwark, because you ain't doint it right
This is Lethal, PUG, Fencing Power Sword, no mods, PCimage.png

Updated 5 days ago.
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5 days ago
Mar 12, 2025, 1:17:24 PM

Hypexs wrote:

DropzOfCrimzon wrote:


learn to Bulwark, Brother, because you ain't doing it right

this is Lethal, PUG, Fencing Power Sword, no mods, Xbox 

Ye brothers. learn to Bulwark, because you ain't doint it right
This is Lethal, PUG, Fencing Power Sword, no mods, PCimage.png

hells yeah Brother, Represent. 

what mission was it? Inferno? looks like it from the stats9b94a2a5-2180-46e1-8ab6-18ecc5775e2a.jpg

Ruthless carry, my back fucking hurt after this one

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5 days ago
Mar 12, 2025, 10:30:36 PM

sprjunior wrote:

Raise your shield brother, bulwark is invencible.

Even moreso when you abuse the shield slam gives improved blocking for 10 seconds perk (I mean that isn't what the perk says but it is what it does, let's you block damn near everything)

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4 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 3:42:10 AM

Bulwark the weakest...I think you mean Assault the class.

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4 days ago
Mar 13, 2025, 8:30:31 AM

Bulwark is absolutely shit until you level it right up. It still sucks levelled up while soloing with bots, but it's much better than starting out. Try with chain sword, it's heaps better at clearing out minors and breaking calls for reinforcements.

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3 days ago
Mar 14, 2025, 7:40:03 AM

snowball_25 wrote:

Bulwark is absolutely shit until you level it right up. It still sucks levelled up while soloing with bots, but it's much better than starting out. Try with chain sword, it's heaps better at clearing out minors and breaking calls for reinforcements.

Trust me...power sword all the way. You just need to switch your stances

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3 days ago
Mar 14, 2025, 1:29:43 PM

Now with the improved powerfist bulwark can blast groups of enemies from half the screen away.

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3 days ago
Mar 14, 2025, 8:32:19 PM

Assault is the weakest, and it is not even close. them getting the power sword with 7.0 will help as it feels really good on the PTS.  

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a day ago
Mar 16, 2025, 4:38:18 PM

The only way they can change it to not make it utterly imbalanced, is to make the shield "block" everything that hits it, melee included, things that would otherwise require a dodge-roll.

Beyond that you're in the realm of balancing multiple classes that use the same items. Especially since a certain class in the PTS is getting a certain item that another class has.

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