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Wow . . . the Tyranid spore mines post 6.0 patch!

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a month ago
Feb 7, 2025, 1:54:58 PM

Geez, they have really ramped up the Tyranid spores post patch. Was playing a Substantial Ballistic Engine last night and at one point there were hundreds of spores coming in, much much more than there has ever been pre-patch. Not sure why they've changed this, it is a bit much IMO, and these were not from the new Biovore either, just happy little spores coming to strip my armor and ruin my run. Maybe scale those back a bit? :)

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Feb 8, 2025, 6:35:29 AM

agreed, i saw the same on every tyranid operation, there are way too much of them and do way too much damage.

they should at least always stay closer together so we can chain destroy them and lower the damage they do by a lot

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a month ago
Feb 8, 2025, 6:51:41 AM

 Honestly, this overabundance of spores is not challenging, its irritating (and that is putting it lightly). If possible, please revert the spore change to how it originally was, thank you.

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a month ago
Feb 10, 2025, 11:28:51 AM

Finally someone else opened their eyes! Got myself and the other guys nearly obliterated out of nowhere because of this. And is kinda funny because gamers asked for the longest time to nerf this problem and what did the devs do? They cranked it up even more.

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a month ago
Feb 11, 2025, 9:46:47 AM

Evilevilterry wrote:

CzechKnight wrote:

Finally someone else opened their eyes! Got myself and the other guys nearly obliterated out of nowhere because of this. And is kinda funny because gamers asked for the longest time to nerf this problem and what did the devs do? They cranked it up even more.

I think now the new enemy is hear and he spawns mines the older mines should be removed as the are not fun and are no longer needed

Sounds fair. Including spore mines was a terrible idea. Tyranids are already relentless as hell and you barely have any time window to throw grenades, let alone shoot, even rolling does not always help. 

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a month ago
Feb 15, 2025, 11:25:08 AM

I was introducing my sister to Space Marine 2 and things were going pretty well until this patch came out. 

What the (**(&^*%$% hell with the spore mines? We're talking hundreds of them from every direction. One minute you are full armor, full health and the next minute you're dead. 

Let me state the obvious. 


Especially for casual players. The devs have been constantly ramping up the difficult of even minimal and average game play to the point that the game is becoming unplayable by casual players. No wonder the number of players is way down. If you continue to cater to the hardcore gamers and continuously crank up the difficult of even the easiest settings, you will lose 90% of your audience.

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a month ago
Feb 16, 2025, 7:48:45 AM

Its ridiculous.. its not a challenge its just overkill and yet another imbalance of difficulty on all levels, just like the spawn rate and toughness of Tyranid warriors.. still takes too many shots from fully upgraded weapons to kill 1.. pointless...

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a day ago
Mar 16, 2025, 4:20:28 PM

pretty sure the game devs has some weird..... feelings about spore mines. wait till you triple Biovore spawn coupled with a massive wave. YEEHAW!

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