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10 hours ago Sep 19, 2024, 9:11:42 AM

Title, i just want to ask if there will be an option to upgrade Standard editions on Steam to Ultra.I'm thinking of buying the Season Pass ("Gold upgrade") but i wanted to drop an extra bucks and just upgrade to Ultra all the way, however there's no option in the Store.

I get that the DLC offered in the Ultra edition WILL be available only to Ultra edition owners, and i'm also aware that we can "technically" upgrade to Ultra at anytime, by just... buying the game in Ultra edition all over again? burning 40 bucks in the process (which i won't do at Release price.), but it's so counterintuitive to just not have an option for a straight upgrade.

I'm new to Warhammer so i pre-ordered and tried the game first to see if i'd enjoy it or not, which i did, but it feels like Standard edition owners are being punished for just not, buying Ultra at the very start.

To close, this is not a big issue, i'll probably upgrade to Ultra a couple years down the lane once it's down on sale, just for the sake of owning all cosmetics, but it'd be nice to have the option to upgrade right now, without having to essentially re-buy a game.

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10 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 9:22:42 AM
Also, i'm aware of the reply given on the following post:https://community.focus-entmt.com/focus-entertainment/space-marine-2/help/233-upgrade-standard-edition

What i want to know, is whether the option to Upgrade from Standard will be available or not.
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