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Why changing the class limitation system is important

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12 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 8:11:56 AM

Limiting PVE to only one class per lobby and PVP to two, is already causing, problems, but imagine what happens when/if new classes come out!

Edit: I've kind of changed my mind about this since having played for longer now. And I feel like having multiples of the same class could break balance in a major way. They would have to at the very least limit it so that you cannot bring duplicate weapons, and perks, and possibly limit it to private lobbies that do not give you progression rewards due to making the operations too much of an easy speedrun even on ruthless. So everyone would have to have different weapons. Though I still think something like a 3 Heavy team with all of their weapons would be such a devastating group that they would waltz on through missions without a care in the world. Even imagine the boss fight against the hive tyrant. That would be over in seconds... (though it kind of is sometimes even with how things are now with good synergy and a good scan from the tactical, and a second one he can achieve by parrying an attack by the tyrant.)

What i do agree with still is that once a new class is released. There will be toxic behavior relating to who gets to play the new class! (i really hope they do release the apothecary or some other class, but I think they've said they do want to do this.)

Still I will leave the rest of my idea up for people to see should they still agree and want to discuss the idea. However either way, the devs have said in a Q&A that they will not be allowing this, and i get why:

One point to consider If the restrictions per lobby are still left in game by the point a new class arrives, it WILL lead to problems. Everyone is going to want to play the new class at first and will lead to people being frustrated trying to get to play the class they want, which is already a problem. Especially with the release of a new class this would lead to massive amounts of people disconnecting from games immediately if the class is taken, which will also strain the matchmaking system.

Removing the class limitations per lobby, or at the very least increasing them (Though removal would be the best choice for many reasons) would avoid these kinds of problems and at the same time solve many others. IE letting players have fun playing what they want, or if playing with friends allow for fun more coordinated teamplay between friends (and possibly silly stuff too, but that's only good for the longevity of the game).

I'm fully aware balance has been the cited problem, but there are easy ways to combat that IE. disable duplicate perks per team, and also making sure the balance is ok in the first place and no class is outright overpowered, because that's a major problem regardless of class limits... In fact i would say citing balance as a response to this issue is a bad and dismissive response, since it is pretty much saying the devs can't actually balance the game and thus have to resort to crutches like limiting player choice. Which again means there is already a problem with balance which would have to be addressed anyway, instead of slapping on a bandaid of not allowing more than one player to play a certain class at a time.

HOWEVER, So far it seems the balance IS good enough, and I could see for example a full team of heavies in PVP getting rocked if the other team adjusts with a counter, which would make stacking one class an actual hinderance. I really can't see removing class limitations breaking the game at all... At the very least increase the limits by 1 for each game mode, so 2 for pve and 3 for pvp. Furthermore keeping the game balanced in way where the classes complementing each other is a stronger strategy should be the obvious goal anyway, and is obviously a better way of discouraging everyone from playing the same class rather than forcing them.

Updated 11 minutes ago.
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