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7 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 1:54:52 PM

I have leveled all classes to level 25 and here is what I think:

(adjusting over time)

   Everything about animations, visuals, character controller, technical condition is all great, but the GAME is not..

I afraid average player will get bored within leveling one class (even if for now this average player is delighted).

Don't sleep on this, Devs!

  Looking at the Roadmap I am worried. Don't leave the game in this state, it is not ready for the next stages. 

It will take a little time and your fans, blinded by the first impression, will turn into your haters and almost all the online will be lost, as it has already happened with many projects.  

   Most likely, you understand that your game is not very replayable, so you decided to introduce such a terribly stretched leveling as a crude incentive to keep players in the game, but this is a bad idea! 

   Although now most players praise you, do not be blinded by success, pay attention to the fact that the foundation in your game is VERY weak, work on the mistakes, make the game interesting and FUN, and not stuffy and frustrating, and only after that fill the game with content.

   I'm not going to suggest anything that would be difficult to implement on purpose, because I understand that you won't radically change anything. Just know that it's too early to switch your attention from balance.


    I will point out the most important things briefly: 

The game is not really replayable and on top of that there is a drawn-out, unpleasant progression, almost no instruments to deal with enemy effectively and no motivation to be a Space Marine.

There are only 6 missions in the game, and although they have different atmospheres, they are not interesting enough to replay the number of times that you require from players. 

I can highlight 2 missions as the most successful because at the end there were battles with bosses (Decapitation is the best).

1. We need massive buffs.

2. Rework perk trees.

3. Give motivation to kill enemies.

4. Other


   1) Don't nerf melta! Buff other weapons!

It is not the problem that Melta is too strong, the problem is that the other weapons are too weak. 

Don't repeat the story with Helldivers 2.


Accuracy and scatter are bad, like it some average shooter and not the game about Space Marines..

Melee damage doesn't make it either.

   Obviously Melta is a meta weapon that allows you to effectively clear all small enemies, and also allows you to deal with elites. In addition, it allows you to heal yourself remarkably. The rest of the weapons are not even close to Melta. 

The obvious solution would be to nerf its damage and healing, but this would be a terrible decision. Better buff the other weapons so that they can compete with Melta.

   People prefer to roll to the exit instead of fighting even when heavily leveled, especially when it comes to chaos. It's jarring to watch as space marines turn into a permanently rolling wheel. 

Obviously this is a bad sign, and similar to the situation with Helldivers 2. 

Most classes have virtually no tools to effectively fight opponents!

Progression of weapons is too slow. Upgrading weapons all over again is unbearable.

- Let us heal 15% from executions.

- Buff the damage and healing of bolter weapons.

- Buff damage and area for plasma weapons. 

- Buff headshot damage to sniper rifles.

- Buff melee combat. 

- Make i-frames for Counter Shot.

- Give more opportunities to restore armor (example: Double Counter Shot).


- All weapons, melee and range, should provide better contested health healing, as well as the ability to heal lost health. 

The HP healing melta shot bug should not be a bug, it should be a feature for all weapons.  

The armor is too unreliable. There are no optimal ways to restore it without the risk of losing it immediately or even losing HP. 

Armor needs to be restored more effectively. Add "multiple punishing shots". More perks. We need more ways and opportunities to restore it in combat, melee and ranged.

    If enemies die too quickly because of authentically strong weapons. Well, then add more enemies to the map. If you can't add more enemies for technical reasons, I still don't think that's a good reason to make enemies so fat or to make bolter weapons and melee combat so weak. 

If you're afraid that the game will become too easy, believe me, it's much scarier when the game is frustrating. 

    Killing crowds of enemies is fun. Putting an entire bolter clip into a gaunt is not fun. 

    2) Vital class perks that allow you to enjoy the game and not frustrate should not be at the end of leveling! 

  The perk trees are bad! 

Full of garbage where you need to pick something at least somewhat useful. Almost no interesting perks, that would change the game for player. 

Almost all perks are just a set of barely noticeable stats, which should ideally be obtained passively with leveling. And a normal perk tree should contain something more significant and cause a dilemma.

The bare minimum you can do is put the good perks at the beginning of leveling.

   Such perks should be among the first available and not at the moment when you have already "played enough" with the class having received not the most pleasant experience due to the lack of tools for killing and are ready to change it.

For example: 

- Assault - a perk that allows you to charge the ability from kills with a jump pack

This is the absolute minimum you can do because the class feels one of the most, if not the most frustrating. Make ability charge faster. Also buff melee damage  for melee classes.

- Sniper - a perk to increase the damage of the first shot from invisibility. 

Overall head damage should be much higher for sniper

This class should be a glass cannon, not just glass. Very frustrating. 

Buff sniper rifles! Laz Fusilli is the only working option and even it is mediocre.


- Tactical - Increases damage under auspex by 100% with reduced radius. 

Overall, it's a normal class, except for the fact that its arsenal is a nerfgun arsenal, except obviously melta and bolter with underbarrel, which is fine for elites and can be fully replenished via perk (don't even think about nerfing this)

+ The inability to heal normally in melee makes it not so balanced.

- Bastion - Banner gives full contested HP. 

This class has a few interesting perks, not counting the fact that melee combat, again, does not allow you to recover lost health and in terms of damage it is far from the melta, which means you need to buff the melee damage and melee hp recovering.

- Vanguard - no interesting perks.

I don't know what to say about this character or his perks. 

He has a hook that does almost nothing for the character and does nothing for the team. 

Add the ability to cling to walls. At least add the ability to safely get out of the crowd on the hook.

- Heavy - no interesting perks too..

Buff the heavy bolter! Damage and hip fire speed. 

Plasma projectile is pathetic. Slow and has a bad trajectory.

The only class (equiped with a Multi Melta) in the game that let you feel like a Space Marine.

  3) There is no motivation to fight enemies and be a Space Marine.

    All of the above problems have led players to play the game completely incorrectly because everything around them motivates them to do so.

It's much more profitable to just run from enemies. And this is wrong.

Bad progression, disability to stand and deal with enemies effectively and a fixed accrual of exp for completing and not for clearing motivates people to become a rolling wheel and speedrun the shortest mission over and over again or not to play at all. 

And they are not to blame.

An increase in experience for killing enemies on a mission (especially for weapons), in addition to what is already given for completing a mission. 

Let this increase be limited to an average number of enemies on mission without taking into account alarm, so that players are not motivated to just stand and farm forever.

4) Other (maybe I'll add more over time)

- Listen to OhDough advises! He understands perfectly well what the game problems are.

- Luckily, the fastest mission "Decapitation" was also the most interesting. The boss at the end is well done. 

I would like to see a boss at the end of almost every mission. The other missions are much less interesting.

- Add a testing zone, where we can test our weapons on the different enemies.

- Bulwark and Heavy can restore full hp from armory module. Why only them? Is that a bug? I don't think we need that, just allow us to restore health from enemies in combat properly.

- FOV slider

Updated 2 hours ago.
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7 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 3:22:14 PM

1) Endless nerfs is how you end up with helldivers 2. They definitely should make other guns more powerful, some high lvl ones are pretty weak like the heavy bolter.

2) I think they should just fuse some classes. Make tactical and assault one class. Putting a jetpack on is not enough to call it a new class. Same goes for sniper and vanguard. They use almost the same weapons and wear the same armour.

3) If they gave xp for killing enemies people wouldn't even do objectives. They would waste everyones time by killing every single enemy on the map or they would just sit in one place waiting for endless enemy waves instead of doing the mission. It's fine as it is now. People kill enemies that are in the way of the objectives. But i wouldn't say no to extra xp for killing mini bosses. That would be a good idea.

4) Lack of shooting range is dissapointing. All those numbers mean nothing untill you start fighting enemies on different difficulties.

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 1:08:07 PM

I agree with all of this.

The main reason for the lack of 'motivation to fight enemies and be a Space Marine' is how the Armor and HP system currently works. Currently your Armor is tissue paper thin and it is the only combat-recoverable vital. This means it is absolutely crucial to avoid all damage, which necessitates a very cautious style as the only way to play, being extremely reliant on dodge and parry to avoid ever actually being hit.

What should be happening is that you feel like you have a lot of armor, and armor you will get back in battle so you are encouraged to be aggressive and do things that will regain armor to undo the damage you took while you were doing them.

Adding a small amount of HP recovery as well will further strengthen this incentive- if you are skilled at combat and avoid ever losing precious HP then you will slowly recover HP from that one mistake you made earlier where you got hit and lost some HP.

On top of this there really should be a way to regain armor in a gunfight. Such as a lethal headshot- even from a distance- counting as a Gun Strike and giving Armor, even though you aimed it yourself rather than meleeing an enemy and Auto Gun Strike onto them.

More generous armor maximum, and more armor recovery, as well as modest HP recovery, will greatly strengthen the Space Marine AGGRESSION that is very much lacking here. Aggression all the time, and not just also when low but especially when low.

Updated 6 days ago.
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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 2:31:39 PM

mlgtoychica wrote:

1) Endless nerfs is how you end up with helldivers 2. They definitely should make other guns more powerful, some high lvl ones are pretty weak like the heavy bolter.

2) I think they should just fuse some classes. Make tactical and assault one class. Putting a jetpack on is not enough to call it a new class. Same goes for sniper and vanguard. They use almost the same weapons and wear the same armour.

3) If they gave xp for killing enemies people wouldn't even do objectives. They would waste everyones time by killing every single enemy on the map or they would just sit in one place waiting for endless enemy waves instead of doing the mission. It's fine as it is now. People kill enemies that are in the way of the objectives. But i wouldn't say no to extra xp for killing mini bosses. That would be a good idea.

4) Lack of shooting range is dissapointing. All those numbers mean nothing untill you start fighting enemies on different difficulties.

WOAAAHW No. Number 2 ? No no no no dont do this. I love assault and A Jetpack is worthy of its own class and identity of being the melee boy. Im sorry i think tactical is a bad class(for me, I know overall its 1 of the strongest)  but dont punish me for that. 
AND ALSO No dont combine Vanguard and Sniper ??????? Just like before I dont want to play with snipers, I dont want Invis. I want a grapple hook and the ability to feel like a high mobility badass.  Keep your opinions over there lol. 

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 2:36:13 PM

Personally i agree with pretty much the entire post the only thing i disagree with a small amount is. Number 3. 
I get for some people there is no motivation to kill. But for me idk maybe im weird here. the MOTIVATION IS THE COMBAT. I enjoy killing. I enjoy the flow of combat. 

i want to kill stuff and do the OBJ. I dont know why people are in such a rush to speed level classes. I just want to play the game. like By the time you speed level everything what else is there for you to do for real ? like why are we rushing classes to 25 ? theres no endgame ? theres nothing else to do (YET PLEASE DEVS) 

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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 2:46:26 PM

AtomBass wrote:

mlgtoychica wrote:

1) Endless nerfs is how you end up with helldivers 2. They definitely should make other guns more powerful, some high lvl ones are pretty weak like the heavy bolter.

2) I think they should just fuse some classes. Make tactical and assault one class. Putting a jetpack on is not enough to call it a new class. Same goes for sniper and vanguard. They use almost the same weapons and wear the same armour.

3) If they gave xp for killing enemies people wouldn't even do objectives. They would waste everyones time by killing every single enemy on the map or they would just sit in one place waiting for endless enemy waves instead of doing the mission. It's fine as it is now. People kill enemies that are in the way of the objectives. But i wouldn't say no to extra xp for killing mini bosses. That would be a good idea.

4) Lack of shooting range is dissapointing. All those numbers mean nothing untill you start fighting enemies on different difficulties.

WOAAAHW No. Number 2 ? No no no no dont do this. I love assault and A Jetpack is worthy of its own class and identity of being the melee boy. Im sorry i think tactical is a bad class(for me, I know overall its 1 of the strongest)  but dont punish me for that. 
AND ALSO No dont combine Vanguard and Sniper ??????? Just like before I dont want to play with snipers, I dont want Invis. I want a grapple hook and the ability to feel like a high mobility badass.  Keep your opinions over there lol. 

Are you serious? Each class has only ONE ability, that's almost nothing. The weapon restrictions make them more different than these abilities. Sniper and Vanguard should be subclasses of one marine. You don't want to play as sniper then pick a vanguard subclass. There is not enough content to grind 6 classes that are barely different. I want to wear vanguard helmet on a sniper, but for some reason i can't despite both of them wearing the same armour. They should add more active abilities, only one per class is a joke.

Updated 6 days ago.
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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 3:06:58 PM

mlgtoychica wrote:

AtomBass wrote:

mlgtoychica wrote:

1) Endless nerfs is how you end up with helldivers 2. They definitely should make other guns more powerful, some high lvl ones are pretty weak like the heavy bolter.

2) I think they should just fuse some classes. Make tactical and assault one class. Putting a jetpack on is not enough to call it a new class. Same goes for sniper and vanguard. They use almost the same weapons and wear the same armour.

3) If they gave xp for killing enemies people wouldn't even do objectives. They would waste everyones time by killing every single enemy on the map or they would just sit in one place waiting for endless enemy waves instead of doing the mission. It's fine as it is now. People kill enemies that are in the way of the objectives. But i wouldn't say no to extra xp for killing mini bosses. That would be a good idea.

4) Lack of shooting range is dissapointing. All those numbers mean nothing untill you start fighting enemies on different difficulties.

WOAAAHW No. Number 2 ? No no no no dont do this. I love assault and A Jetpack is worthy of its own class and identity of being the melee boy. Im sorry i think tactical is a bad class(for me, I know overall its 1 of the strongest)  but dont punish me for that. 
AND ALSO No dont combine Vanguard and Sniper ??????? Just like before I dont want to play with snipers, I dont want Invis. I want a grapple hook and the ability to feel like a high mobility badass.  Keep your opinions over there lol. 

Are you serious? Each class has only ONE ability, that's almost nothing. The weapon restrictions make them more different than these abilities. Sniper and Vanguard should be subclasses of one marine. You don't want to play as sniper then pick a vanguard subclass. There is not enough content to grind 6 classes that are barely different. I want to wear vanguard helmet on a sniper, but for some reason i can't despite both of them wearing the same armour. They should add more active abilities, only one per class is a joke.

Listen 1 Ability per class is neither here nor there man. I agree on that part. But I like how different the Vanguard and Assault feel compared to the Sniper and the Tactical. And I think there isnt enough content to grind through 6 classes (yet) But WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT. Im 100% not going to play Tatical and Not going to play Sniper and NOT going to Play heavy at least not in PVE content. Those Just Aint my Style. I like Melee combat. And I like the skill trees for Assault and For Vanguard. Now. Cross Class Armor Customization is a different topic as well. 
But Merging Skill Trees ? Merging classes ? Merging the Identities of the classes ? no. lets not do that. I do 100% believe that Assault and Vanguard are worthy of being their own classes. 
Just wait you gonna be real mad when they add Apothecary and then theres 7 classes to level for PVE. I just Dont understand why the community ( people like you ) 
Are in a rush to max level every class ? Slow down man. Enjoy the game. Take a break . Play PVP.  You dont have to rush through the game. You dont have to max level every class. 
You can if you want to. but your the ones complaining there isnt enough content. I am fine RN ? ( I have a long ass day job so take pity on me ) I have a max level Bulwark. A 15 Assault and a 10 Vanguard. 0 on all the other 3. and Im still ecstatic  to get home hop on PVE or PVP and just grind some levels per day.  I also dont rush through my ops. I slow down kill everything that i see and do objectives at the speed i want. 

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5 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 2:27:11 PM

mlgtoychica wrote:

1) Endless nerfs is how you end up with helldivers 2. They definitely should make other guns more powerful, some high lvl ones are pretty weak like the heavy bolter.

Agreed.  They haven't shown this is the direction they will go - but I do hope there are some buffs.  Especially for the iconic bolter.

2) I think they should just fuse some classes. Make tactical and assault one class. Putting a jetpack on is not enough to call it a new class. Same goes for sniper and vanguard. They use almost the same weapons and wear the same armour.

Disagree strongly here.  There is a fundamental difference in the classes on the tabletop and the lore.

3) If they gave xp for killing enemies people wouldn't even do objectives. They would waste everyones time by killing every single enemy on the map or they would just sit in one place waiting for endless enemy waves instead of doing the mission. It's fine as it is now. People kill enemies that are in the way of the objectives. But i wouldn't say no to extra xp for killing mini bosses. That would be a good idea.

Disagree here as well.  A percentage of enemies killed or a running tally should award bonus XP or bonus % XP.  Bum rushing objectives and ignoring conflict is a lame approach.

4) Lack of shooting range is dissapointing. All those numbers mean nothing untill you start fighting enemies on different difficulties.

Meh.  The weapons are pretty much universal upgrades to the previous version so I don't think it's the end of the world.  Plus, they are adding a sparring room which will allow you to test things.

Updated 5 days ago.
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3 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 2:09:55 PM

ledarsi wrote:

I agree with all of this.

The main reason for the lack of 'motivation to fight enemies and be a Space Marine' is how the Armor and HP system currently works. Currently your Armor is tissue paper thin and it is the only combat-recoverable vital. This means it is absolutely crucial to avoid all damage, which necessitates a very cautious style as the only way to play, being extremely reliant on dodge and parry to avoid ever actually being hit.

What should be happening is that you feel like you have a lot of armor, and armor you will get back in battle so you are encouraged to be aggressive and do things that will regain armor to undo the damage you took while you were doing them.

Adding a small amount of HP recovery as well will further strengthen this incentive- if you are skilled at combat and avoid ever losing precious HP then you will slowly recover HP from that one mistake you made earlier where you got hit and lost some HP.

On top of this there really should be a way to regain armor in a gunfight. Such as a lethal headshot- even from a distance- counting as a Gun Strike and giving Armor, even though you aimed it yourself rather than meleeing an enemy and Auto Gun Strike onto them.

More generous armor maximum, and more armor recovery, as well as modest HP recovery, will greatly strengthen the Space Marine AGGRESSION that is very much lacking here. Aggression all the time, and not just also when low but especially when low.

Good point

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