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Additional Customization Options


2 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 3:41:29 PM

I'd like to start by congratulating the team on what they've accomplished. Rarely does a game get a setting this right, and I want to keep that in mind before we continue. Below are some additional customization options that I'd hope aren't too difficult to implement but would add a LOT to player expression and lore-accurate color schemes.

1: Eye lens color changing. It's the big one, you see it everywhere, and I'm hoping it gets added soon. Not all chapters use red, some like the Salamanders use yellow, Iron Hands have been depicted with blue, etc., it'd also be nice to be able to use green lenses outside of one or two options in order to have our preferred lens color in conjunction with our preferred helmet crest options.

2: Pouch coloring. This is less huge, but a massive QOL improvement. Not all chapters use brown pouches, black is actually very common in canon depictions, green is less common but still seen sometimes, it'd be really cool to be able to tie our characters together that much more, like giving my Raven Guard green pouches, or black on my Ultramarines Vanguard.

3: Cloth coloring. Beyond the obvious being Bulwark who needs this pretty desperately to not look like a recolored Dark Angel half the time, others like Tactical and even Assault would make great use of this feature to get an even more cohesive visual for our Space Marines.

4: Faceplate color pattern. Tactical has one option late in its unlock for a metallic faceplate, but a simple pattern would go a long way to getting certain canon schemes exactly right.

5: Lieutenant helmet pattern. There's a separate Tacticus helmet, but Reiver Lieutenants, Bladeguard lieutenants, etc. do exist and would be great to depict accurately on their respective helmet options.

6: Reversed chapter icons on the right pauldron, let us play our Deathwatch marines, or use bonding-studded Mk6 pauldrons accurately if and hopefully when those come out (Which are used on Primaris models, one is included in the Intercessor kit, others are found in the Primaris Sternguard Veterans kit, the Black Templar Primaris Upgrade kit, two included in the Iron Hands Primaris upgrade kit, etc.).

7: Hand pattern customization. Separate from the arms, it'd be great to be able to accurately put silver hands on Iron Hands, or a red hand or two on Crimson Fists.

8: Beakie helmets. Last but certainly not least, let us have our beakies! They're a classic helmet in 40k going back to Rogue Trader, many Primaris models come with them (Raven Guard Primaris upgrade kit, Kayvaan Shrke has one on his belt, one is included in the Primaris Sternguard Veterans kit alongside a Mk7 grill helmet) and it'd be fantastic to be able to wear one, I'd pay money for it lol

Updated 18 hours ago.
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