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Vanguard grappling hook rework Both PVE and PVP

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a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 10:06:54 AM

Vanguard grappling hook at the momment need some work in both PVP and PVE .. As a vanguard main but also having played a tons with and against in both PVE and PVP . There is real issues into its usefullness and the way it is sometimes exploited more as an annoyance than as a tool for mobility it should be  .. 

PVE modifications 

·         The grappling hook should be able to grapple onto anything not just the mobs to allow vanguard to have the proper mobility

·         Grappling charge should be raised to 3 instead of 2 but stunt should be reduced in return similar to the assault charge 


 PVP modifications 

The Vanguard grappling hook shouldnt be used as a Instant stunt lock for the entire duration of the travel when its triggered ..

·         Stunt lock time should be reduced and link to the kick perhaps even only getting knockback when grapple from behind the target  

·         Stunt should only be applied when the attacker player reach the target when he is at kicking range and not the the entire duration of the travel 

·         Grappling unto players  should be used from side or back of the target and not as a escape all damage up front 

·         Grappling charge should be raised to 3 instead of 2 but stunt should be reduced in return similar to the assault charge 

·         Grappling hook should be used  mainly for mobility  rather than for stunt locking players who will complain about it being annoying and unfair 

·         Other players should be able to shoot the vanguard attackers if grappled from the front  wich will create a much more fun experience where players can feel they have a chance to fight back 

·         The grappling on Heavy shield should disable the shield once kicked , The Vanguard grappling hook should impact heavily the Bulwark shield

·         Grappling hook responsiveness should be increased 

At the momment Vanguard are just used as a " Troll " type of thing .. and simply immobilise target in PVP for a long period of time and many of those time the vanguard dont even get the kill himself .. As for the one the hook is used on it only feel back having no chance to fight back frozen looking at yourself die ..

Something need to be fun to play with and fun to play against ! ATM its neither fun to play with or play against to Stuntlock players with the hook .. 

Updated 37 minutes ago.
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10 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 9:14:23 AM

Yeah no thanks, Vanguard is fine

If anything reduce the melta stagger ability because that's my biggest gripe right now.

Vanguard is one of the most versatile classes right now in PVE if you know to play him.

Updated 10 hours ago.
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9 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 9:55:16 AM

S4V6_ wrote:

Yeah no thanks, Vanguard is fine

If anything reduce the melta stagger ability because that's my biggest gripe right now.

Vanguard is one of the most versatile classes right now in PVE if you know to play him.

Its " fine " only for those seeking to abuse it in PVP .. As for PVE its ok at best and having an extra charge would go a long way but also the ability to grab unto the wall or floor would be also great exept if there is exploits potential if enable .. 

As for PVP when you get grapple it only feel bad there is no counter there is nothing you can do ... I even developped this trick myself in the first day of playing vanguard at pre launch ... When peoples were trying to melee you at least there was a counter you could block roll or block and strike back .. But now everyones are doing the same thing as i was wich is Stunt the guy Unload hip fire carbine into his face the guy has no chance unless his team mates save him ..

Its a terrible mechanics that feel unfair and basically a skilless BS .. there is no skills involved into grappling into a player its easy ... its also easy to unload your carbine into them after you hit the kick there is no skills involved there is NO counters ! Having team mates on any side isnt what makes a broken mechanics balanced or fun ... 

FOr something to be good it need to be fun to play with and fun to play against .. Its neither .. its only fun for those seeking to anoye and troll peoples  ! 

Haaving a more responsive grappling the vanguard could use the grappling hook as a " escape and aproach " transportation mean and not as a I WIN button in 1 vs 1 fight you are loosing .. a responsive and faster pace grappling would allow to escape situation instead of " Cheating death " with a insane skilless player stunt 

Updated 9 hours ago.
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9 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 10:19:34 AM

Stew360 wrote:

S4V6_ wrote:

Yeah no thanks, Vanguard is fine

If anything reduce the melta stagger ability because that's my biggest gripe right now.

Vanguard is one of the most versatile classes right now in PVE if you know to play him.

Its " fine " only for those seeking to abuse it in PVP .. As for PVE its ok at best and having an extra charge would go a long way but also the ability to grab unto the wall or floor would be also great exept if there is exploits potential if enable .. 

As for PVP when you get grapple it only feel bad there is no counter there is nothing you can do ... I even developped this trick myself in the first day of playing vanguard at pre launch ... When peoples were trying to melee you at least there was a counter you could block roll or block and strike back .. But now everyones are doing the same thing as i was wich is Stunt the guy Unload hip fire carbine into his face the guy has no chance unless his team mates save him ..

Its a terrible mechanics that feel unfair and basically a skilless BS .. there is no skills involved into grappling into a player its easy ... its also easy to unload your carbine into them after you hit the kick there is no skills involved there is NO counters ! Having team mates on any side isnt what makes a broken mechanics balanced or fun ... 

FOr something to be good it need to be fun to play with and fun to play against .. Its neither .. its only fun for those seeking to anoye and troll peoples  ! 

Haaving a more responsive grappling the vanguard could use the grappling hook as a " escape and aproach " transportation mean and not as a I WIN button in 1 vs 1 fight you are loosing .. a responsive and faster pace grappling would allow to escape situation instead of " Cheating death " with a insane skilless player stunt 

Since you wrote a suggestion for PVE and PVP rework, I am just commenting on the PVE part, because PVP is just not my thing in this game.

As for your last comment: 

Haaving a more responsive grappling the vanguard could use the grappling hook as a " escape and aproach " transportation mean and not as a I WIN button in 1 vs 1 fight you are loosing .. a responsive and faster pace grappling would allow to escape situation instead of " Cheating death " with a insane skilless player stunt 

I assume you are again talking about PVP.

I don't play PVP neither do I intend to in PVE he is exactly that as yourself stated.

I just think that you aren't playing the Vanguard to it's full potential because that is exactly how Vanguard is supposed to be played, very aggressive.

Grapple in, get a couple of shots off and execute the enemy.

In case you ever find yourself in a difficult situation use your grapple to get out of it.

That is basically Vanguard in a nutshell.

It's only been 1 1/2 weeks now, I think we should let people get used to the classes first before we start posting balance changes, that's just my take on it.

Updated 9 hours ago.
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