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Focus on Improving Operations and New Maps


11 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 8:35:57 AM

Please Focus on operations.

The campaign is great, and in my opinion, there’s no need to spend too much time on it. Most of my friends rated it 9/10 or even 10/10.

PvP mode is fine as is, but it’s not worth investing too much effort since it’s a very competitive niche.

It’s better to focus on fixing bugs and adding new maps for operations.

Many players I’ve spoken to dislike missions 3, 4, and 5 due to the abundance of ranged enemies. Please create maps with tighter, more convenient spaces, and make them visually distinct

The first map has an overly bright green sky that’s unpleasant, while the sixth map is difficult to enjoy due to constant sandstorms. In contrast, the second map is visually appealing.

The fifth map’s cart-pushing mechanic is outdated and irritating. 

In new maps, reduce downtime, repetitive dialogue, and add more memorable, action-packed moments.

Operations should focus on combat, not tasks like pushing carts or planting explosives. Give us more exciting battles in future operations.

Updated 6 hours ago.
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7 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 12:34:13 PM

I agree, I got the game for the operations mode basically, that and being a warhammer nerd so I was gonna buy it regardless I guess...

I feel this is the reason most players got the game, it was for the co-op experience, and it is clearly already more fleshed out with the leveling and upgrades etc.

More and varied operations most definitely should be a priority. Which they have said they are focusing on, but I am adding my vote and voice to the pile to emphasize that this is what we want really!

What I don't necessarily agree on is your criticism of the mission with the cart pushing, yeah it is kind of old school, but I'm "old" so I dunno if that's why I don't mind it heh. Its just one more operation that is different from the others and like I've commented elsewhere where people were hating on the chaos missions was that variety is good. Variety keeps the game alive and interesting.

I also don't really have complaint about the visual aspects of the maps, though Inferno truly is the most boring of them, a generic swampy jungle area, followed by generic and fairly empty and uninteresting industrial area, but the final stage is kind of cool seeing the hordes of tyranids in the distance.

I don't want 3 new maps where we fight tyranid hordes in similar fashion to Inferno. That one already exists and has been grinded to death by most of the playerbase, and I don't think its because its the most fun, It's because its the fastest way to level because you can get through it pretty fast, most people know the locations the gene seed spawns at, and its way less of a risk to lose the geneseed at the final part than it is for say Decapitation, where if the geneseed carrier misses the dodges on the Tyrants aoe waves and/or just his general attacks you might just lose the geneseed. Whereas in inferno its just an easier mission and even if things get hairy at the end, the person with the geneseed can usually kite around the horde for long enough to survive and to revive or for his buddies to respawn should they die. Unless there's a bunch of ranged enemies left and they slowly die to getting plinked to death by termagants while rolling around the map... but hasn't really ever happened not that much anyway, or in a way that's failed the whole mission at least.

So if the devs are reading this: Don't take the official stats of which missions are played most as a sign that people actually LIKE Inferno... they play it repeatedly to level up, and so did I in the beginning, until i just wanted to start playing the game instead and have fun and not just powerlevel. Sure more tyranid missions would be fun but have some variety in them! In general I like the idea here, make sure the maps are visually distinct and appealing. I don't hate the dust storm mission, again i think its fine, because its a bit different again, and in a different environment. Though it is a bit shitty to get into a situation where there is a dust storm and a whole bunch of ranged enemies are just pummeling you and you have no way of seeing them yet for some reason they know exactly where you are, with pinpoint accuracy. Not a big complaint though.

I think pretty much every mission is just fine, except ive grown to loathe Inferno simply for the amount of times i've played through it already.

However one major point: Since some of the missions, mostly the chaos ones, are far longer than say inferno. those missions that are longer should give you more exp. This is again is the biggest reason why people choose to play inferno over and over, its the same standard amount of xp no matter how long the mission happens to be! And I think contributes way more to why people play the first missions the most instead of the chaos ones, not just that they don't like having to learn to fight against different types of enemies. I do. But apparently there are many who don't. I don't even find the chaos missions to be much more difficult really, once I played them a few times and got used to the different movesets and what the enemies actually do. For some, its just too much. But I really like the chaos missions better for their atmosphere, and again for the variety.

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6 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 1:26:52 PM

Mer_Siles wrote:

I agree, I got the game for the operations mode basically, that and being a warhammer nerd so I was gonna buy it regardless I guess...

I feel this is the reason most players got the game, it was for the co-op experience, and it is clearly already more fleshed out with the leveling and upgrades etc.

More and varied operations most definitely should be a priority. Which they have said they are focusing on, but I am adding my vote and voice to the pile to emphasize that this is what we want really!

What I don't necessarily agree on is your criticism of the mission with the cart pushing, yeah it is kind of old school, but I'm "old" so I dunno if that's why I don't mind it heh. Its just one more operation that is different from the others and like I've commented elsewhere where people were hating on the chaos missions was that variety is good. Variety keeps the game alive and interesting.

I also don't really have complaint about the visual aspects of the maps, though Inferno truly is the most boring of them, a generic swampy jungle area, followed by generic and fairly empty and uninteresting industrial area, but the final stage is kind of cool seeing the hordes of tyranids in the distance.

I don't want 3 new maps where we fight tyranid hordes in similar fashion to Inferno. That one already exists and has been grinded to death by most of the playerbase, and I don't think its because its the most fun, It's because its the fastest way to level because you can get through it pretty fast, most people know the locations the gene seed spawns at, and its way less of a risk to lose the geneseed at the final part than it is for say Decapitation, where if the geneseed carrier misses the dodges on the Tyrants aoe waves and/or just his general attacks you might just lose the geneseed. Whereas in inferno its just an easier mission and even if things get hairy at the end, the person with the geneseed can usually kite around the horde for long enough to survive and to revive or for his buddies to respawn should they die. Unless there's a bunch of ranged enemies left and they slowly die to getting plinked to death by termagants while rolling around the map... but hasn't really ever happened not that much anyway, or in a way that's failed the whole mission at least.

So if the devs are reading this: Don't take the official stats of which missions are played most as a sign that people actually LIKE Inferno... they play it repeatedly to level up, and so did I in the beginning, until i just wanted to start playing the game instead and have fun and not just powerlevel. Sure more tyranid missions would be fun but have some variety in them! In general I like the idea here, make sure the maps are visually distinct and appealing. I don't hate the dust storm mission, again i think its fine, because its a bit different again, and in a different environment. Though it is a bit shitty to get into a situation where there is a dust storm and a whole bunch of ranged enemies are just pummeling you and you have no way of seeing them yet for some reason they know exactly where you are, with pinpoint accuracy. Not a big complaint though.

I think pretty much every mission is just fine, except ive grown to loathe Inferno simply for the amount of times i've played through it already.

However one major point: Since some of the missions, mostly the chaos ones, are far longer than say inferno. those missions that are longer should give you more exp. This is again is the biggest reason why people choose to play inferno over and over, its the same standard amount of xp no matter how long the mission happens to be! And I think contributes way more to why people play the first missions the most instead of the chaos ones, not just that they don't like having to learn to fight against different types of enemies. I do. But apparently there are many who don't. I don't even find the chaos missions to be much more difficult really, once I played them a few times and got used to the different movesets and what the enemies actually do. For some, its just too much. But I really like the chaos missions better for their atmosphere, and again for the variety.

Great to see you in the comments again, and thanks a lot for the detailed response! Overall, I agree that the cart-pushing mechanic isn’t really a problem on its own. However, I personally prefer having elements in each mission that make you want to come back for more. Unfortunately, these kinds of repetitive "mini-games" in Warhammer tend to pull me out of the atmosphere a bit. That said, I do love the old-school feel of the PvP mode. I agree with your point that future missions should ideally feature new enemies, perhaps more human-like ones, like other traitor legions—more physical if you know what I mean. And yes, we’ve run Inferno into the ground, and while players will eventually move on to the other maps, I fear that won't last long. The abundance of unbreakable bird-demons and long-range enemies hardly adds to the enjoyment of the game.

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