I don't know what button it is on controller but, on keyboard when you press T you can highlight various things (ammo, enemies, relics). 

If Focus was able to implement the ability for this to give commands to your AI teammates then it would solve several issues. A good example of this is, I've noticed when I have a sniper AI teammate they always seem the burn through their rifle ammo in the first 2-4 encounters and from then on, for the rest of the mission, they only use their bolt pistol and combat knife. Being able to tell them to pick up ammo would greatly improve how impactful the AI teammates feel if their not forced to only use their secondary for 60-80% of the mission.

Also Focus have said in a recent post that they don't want the AI overshadowing the player. Allowing the player to mark targets for the AI to focus/go after would help in this regard, as if the player doesn't want any help from the AI they can just not mark targets. I

t would also take some pressure off the player as whenever the AI does go down its usually on me to go and revive them, but if I could make them pick up the extra guardian relics then they would be able to self-revive and I could focus on not getting downed/killing the enemy