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Rebalanced multi-player xp gain & unlocks

WeaponsGame modesGame options

6 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 3:18:59 PM

I, much like many of your I'm sure, have a day job. My day job does not consist of getting paid to play games, though I wish it did. Due to this fact I am finding that the significant amount of hours I have invested into the multi-player has still not allowed me to unlock the equipment I desire to use for each class. While I do feel progression is important, I don't agree with linear progression as it gatekeeps the equipment that may be desirable to some behind a massive wall of time investment as well as struggle utilizing non-optimal equipment to reach said goal that streamers, children with far too much time, and the like have reached within a week. This problem may very well take care of itself in the long run,  bur having a similar unlock system for weapons in multi-player as the heraldry system would provide a better progression experience in the long run, for new and more veteran players. Being able to save points to unlock the laz-fusil for a player that only wants to play sniper may keep that player more invested in playing multi-player. Given how strongly myself and my group of players all gravitate towards extremely different weapon and equipment loadouts I think this would provide more allure to multi-player, as I have had multiple friends look at the progression system and immediately say no to the multi-player mode only to return to operations. 

Updated 5 hours ago.
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5 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 3:59:56 PM

Another option would be to be able to pick what weapon/gear you want to unlock next for each class, and then XP you gain will go towards unlocking whatever you pick to work towards. Tied together with an XP rework in MP, I think this would be a decent way to keep things "balanced" while still incentivizing playing your preferred class(es) and grinding for the wargear you want instead of having to unlock 5 weapons you aren't going to use. Then completionists can unlock the other stuff while they get to play with the wargear they like, overall making the grind much more enjoyable for everyone. 

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