The customization system is currently unnecessarily convoluted and creatively limiting. It is not particularly rewarding to unlock the same chain wrapped gauntlet for the third character in a row and slightly frustrating to spend resources on a color you want only to turn around and only be able to use it on specific elements. Why can't I make the Aquila on my chest bright purple or color that new emblem I unlocked with Nuln Oil? Its in direct opposition to the creative foundations of the hobby this game is based off of.

What I'm proposing shouldn't need any brand new systems or major overhaul, but rather an update to the customization UI and a reorganizing of the unlockable assets between classes. Currently, the only armor piece that makes sense to be locked by class is the Wargear, like the Assault's jetpack or the Bulwark's shield. All other unlockable armor pieces should be combined into a single unlock chain that allows them to be worn by all classes once available.  The colors should be combined into a single, unified palette that allows any unlocked color to be applied to any asset that can have its color customized.