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Bolter lore inaccuracy


6 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 3:31:02 PM


I've seen in the news about the game that there cannot be change to sniper look and adding more Chaos customization because Snipers are not lore accurate for some traitor chapters.
I'd like to present this idea: Any "normal" bolter gun and bolt pistol shouldn't have such ridiculous spray when hip firing. According to lore, regular space marines don't have bolters with stock or scope because they don't need it. They're genetically engineered to be super strong and they hold those bolters so tight that there's no recoil or inaccuracy.

Added to that, the space marines in the game are the upgraded, enhanced Primaris marines. They are even better in a few aspects than normal space marines. Therefore, to have the game lore accurate (as you claim in your official statement on Steam that the game is 100% lore accurate), bolter based weapons (and, honestly, las sniper) shouldn't have such crazy hip fire sway that you hit EVERYTHING aside the place where you are aiming.

Updated 13 minutes ago.
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6 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 3:39:23 PM

I completely agree. 

It's a pity that the developers most likely won't do anything about it for the sake of "balance", as if this is some kind of average shooter and not a game about Space Marines...

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