
let us be honest, aside the Heavy bot, the bots are absolutely useless even on the easiest difficulty. As you cannot manage your squad when you play with bots, it is common that you end up with a Sniper bot as your squadmade.

No amount of increasing aggresiveness can make the Sniper bot a better bot. The Sniper bot unloads his sniper rifle on the first enemy, in mere seconds, and for the rest of the Operation uses only his pistol.

No amount of ammo pickup can fix that.

To add insult to injury, both in Campaign and Operations, enemies just go for you, mostly ignoring your bot squadmates. This also can not be fixed by increasing bot aggresiveness.

Additionally, the bots do not use grenades.

To properly eliviate this issue (as you have stated in your official statement in May on Steam that the game will launch with Solo Operations) you truly need to make the bots better, not only by increasing aggresiveness, as that doesn't really do anything for how the bots are useful as squadmates.

In your Q&A you also stated that you would only increase the aggresiveness  when it comes to bosses. That helps even less, as the bots will just stand around looking at enemies, head empty no thoughts. In fact, if you don't attack the enemies and they will attack you - as long as you do not fight back - the bots will just idle around. That needs serious fixing. Actual work, not just increasing aggresiveness value in whatever sad excuse for a script they are running on. :<