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Placeholder Anti-Cheat System Suggestion

Game modes

5 hours ago
Sep 19, 2024, 3:39:15 PM

Dear Space Marine 2 Team,

I found the PVP mode (Eternal War) to be surprisingly fun, but this initial thought soon evaporated as I began to encounter cheater after cheater in countless games. I encounter one cheater every 3-5 games on average, and that is putting it nicely. The most common form of cheating I encountered was the infinite grenade hack, followed by the speed hack.

Please, can you at least give us a placeholder anti-cheat system until you figure out something more concrete? Right now, there is no way that normal, decent players can fight against cheaters. The Steam report system does not seem to be doing anything.

I want to suggest a vote-ban or kick system where players can vote a person to be banned/kicked. I suggest deploying such a temporary system for a trial period. You can obviously remove it any time you feel the system is not good, since it is your game after all.

The vote system could look something like the following:

1) The kick vote can be initiated by anyone.

2) Once initiated, everyone, except the alleged cheater or abuser, can vote within a certain period of time (perhaps within 20-60 seconds).

3) If more than half of the players vote to kick within the allotted time, the alleged cheater is kicked from the game.

4) Once kicked, the person's account will be flagged, and the cheater will be prevented from playing multiplayer for a certain period of time (even 10-30 minutes is okay, anything to frustrate the rampant cheating).

Thank you for your patience. I hope you consider this. Even if you don't, I still wanted to express how I love this game, and also how upset I was at the rampant cheating. I'm sure there are many other players who share my hatred of cheaters.

Finally, thank you so much for creating a wonderful game. Your team has pulled off something truly magnificent and enjoyable that stays true to its lore foundation. That takes effort and skill that seems to be lacking in the game industry these days.



Updated 6 minutes ago.
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8 minutes ago
Sep 19, 2024, 8:55:31 PM

I second the above. May I also suggest the following:

  1. Significant increase in telemetry - you won't be able to mount a decent defence unless you know where it is coming from, what is being done, and how it is being done.
  2. In-game report function - you should be able to press TAB to bring up the player screen, and then right click a player name to report them. Reports should also collect telemetry/stats about the user and their actions during the game in which the report was submitted.
  3. Killcam - it is possible to confuse an excellent display of skill with hacking. The option to display a killcam replay from the perspective of the player who killed you should be available (briefly) after every death (before you respawn).
  4. Region locking - servers should be region-specific with absolutely no sharing. Most hackers are often confined to certain geographical areas of the globe and the majority of players shouldn't have to put up with culture-specific understandings of 'cheating'.
  5. Anti-VPN measures - prolific cheaters use VPNs to bypass region locks and obfuscate their identities. Implement IP logging to identify known blocks associated with VPNs, and then mass-block them. Liaise with DNS providers if necessary to check whether an IP address connecting a geographically-locked DNS server is actually associated with that geographical region. Banning VPNs as part of an anti-cheat measure will please far more of us than it will upset.

I'll put more here when I come up with some other ideas.

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