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++ New Armour Edit Customisation Options/Additions ++ [Customisable Tilt Shields! ..and more]

Game optionsChapters

2 months ago
Nov 29, 2024, 9:29:44 AM

+++Armour Sets+++

• Add a category in Armour sets for unlockable Tilt Shield Options that can also display Chapter marking Emblems and other emblems; like Squad markings.

There are a lot of Chapter Pad designs that remove or obscure your Chapter Symbol when you still want to clearly rep your Chapter of Choice

• Add a category in Armour sets for Loincloths, Tabards, Robes, Togas, Cloaks and Capes. With their own ​custom rule in the Heraldry Editor to colour them.

Many Chapters wear Black, Crimson and other colours on their cloth elements

​• Add the option in Armour sets to use the Helmet Decorations you've unlocked on any (appropriately modelled) helmet.

Black Templar Cross, Inquisition Mark, Ravenwing, Ultramarines etc.

+Class Specific+

Give the Bulwark (Bladeguard Veteran) access to the Iron Halo as a purely cosmetic item. 
> I'm not the first to ask and I won't be the last ;)

• Add the Infiltrator / Incursor helmets to the Phobos armour sets [Sniper & Vanguard].
> Looking so tacticool in this war-drip

+++Relic Armour Mark components +++ 

• With the addition of the Mk8 Helmet and confirmation of Mk6, we would all hope to see further variants within these Marks and future ones - there are so many iconic helmet designs within each Mark. The Mk 7, Mk 6, Mk4 and so on having dozens between them.
> There are important distinctions between relic armour designs and the Chapters that favour them, for achieving the Astartes fantasy. Your fans appreciate attention to detail. <3 

• Add Shoulder Pad variants from the armour Mks - Like the iconic Mk6 Studded Pad with bonding studs.

> It just looks cool, okay!

• Power Pack designs, they can alter the silhouette, further tie in achieving an older relic look to your armour

While seemingly innocuous, we do spend a lot of time looking at them

Chest Plates and Power Cables, there are some very distinct looks to some of the relic marks torsos, this could be quite challenging technically [and I'm sure we would understand if it's too much work with rigging/animations etc], but would totally transform the look of the marine.

> I'm particularly fond of the heavier plastrons on the Mark 3 and 4 

+++Champion Skins+++

• Create an interface in Armour Sets for Champion Skins to have their relevant Successor Chapter Colour sets applied to them.

> Dark Angels Bulwark Champion wearing Angels of Vengeance or Guardians of the Covenant [Yes, add them please] livery for example

• Allow for Champion Set parts to be used in the Armour Set customisation, restricted to their base armour type to avoid clipping etc. and allow them to be recoloured.
> If you're willing to go further than the above suggestion..


Add Chapter Emblems to Knee Pads for the shoulder pad limitation as well.

> We all want to be the bee's knees for the Emperor

• Add the rest of the Squad Designation markers for Knee Pads: Fire Support, Assault etc. - for Chapters that use that marking system.

> The Tactical/Battleline Emblem can be unlocked so far from a Lethal Op

• All Chapter Heraldry Emblems for both Shoulder Pads, for Deathwatch and design variation! [Perfect for Mk6 Corvus style armour with bonding stud left pads too...]

> Variety is the spice of life, yes? ...and the spice must flow

+++Armour Heraldry (Colours)+++

​• When choosing a colour to apply to an element (Armour Trim, Emblems etc.). Have a toggle for a Standard appearance and Metallic.

For example, my Mephiston Red shoulder pad trim matches my armour plates and isn't shiny and reflective

​• Armour decorative elements that you can colour individually, so Trimming and Ornamentation have their own colour options.

Like Helmets with an ornamental wreath that can be coloured separately from the skull decoration on the brow i.e. Green Laurel, Gold Skull

[See picture for another example in the comments for this addition]

• Add an option somewhere to choose the colour of your weapon's armour casing.
> Many Chapters have specific colours for their Bolt Weapons etc. for those wanting to fully rep their favourite Chapter

• Add more areas to choose colours on: Elbow Armour, Feet, Helmet Face-plate [done!] etc. 
> Plenty of Chapters have very broken up colour heraldry: Carcharodons, Mortifactors and so on

+++Honourable Mention+++ [Confirmed by Saber]

• Mk6 Corvis Helmet

• Choose Eye Lense Colours - DONE!
• Colour hands separately

That's all for now, will continue to update with new ideas, having a blast with your game! 😁🔥

Updated 3 hours ago.
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a month ago
Dec 10, 2024, 12:38:23 PM

I'd also like to see more chapter specific armour which can be unlocked via the heraldry section. 

For example, 

  • Replacing the chest aquila for the Blood Angels with the drop icon
  • Actual 3D relief chapter-specific designs for the chest piece, pauldrons, helmets, greaves (they had this in SM1 iirc), arms and packs
  • New base armour sets from previous MK versions i.e. III - VIII instead of being based on primaris
  • Terminator armour!? (Could have specific buffs/nerfs for thing like power over speed in PVE and new PVP mode applications)
  • Finally, it would be nice to use elements of the champion skins on other units from those chapters. For example, the chapter specific items from the Dark Angels Champion skin that aren't class specific to the bulwark can also be used more generically on a Dark Angels marine ONLY. Or the chapter specific items on the Ultramarine Champion that aren't class specific to the Heavy/Devastator can be used more generically on Ultramarines ONLY.

Just some thoughts. But wholly agree with the above suggestions too. Customisation in SM2 is fairly lacking as they've just Blanket approached everything

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4 days ago
Jan 12, 2025, 4:11:49 PM

Added Class Specific section to Armour Sets

Don't forget to link your steam account and vote, your profile pts add to the score to get us to 1 million!Raven-Guard (1).jpg

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12 days ago
Jan 4, 2025, 4:55:05 PM

the one thing I want more than anything is more chaos customization, and for them to add chaos warbands to the heraldry section, instead of it just being the traitor legions.
They could add The Flawless Host, Red Corsairs, The Purge, Crimson Slaughter, Blood Disciples, Magma Hounds, and so many more. 

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17 days ago
Dec 31, 2024, 12:22:25 AM

I would like the addition if possible to disable the displaying of the shield. It'd be nice to just have the class. But change the aesthetic slightly by removing the shield, but the class still functioning as it does.

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17 days ago
Dec 30, 2024, 6:48:22 PM

With their 2025 update I thought I would do some formatting on this ever growing list to make it a little more user friendly

Annnnd a big ole' update on adding elements from the older Armour Marks - Mk5 helmet anyone? YES PLEASE!!

Stay sexy alien slayers!Screenshot 2024-12-14 211639 copy.jpg

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a month ago
Dec 12, 2024, 12:10:07 AM

Updated with some options for Champion Armour skin customisation in Armour sets and Heraldry

Screenshot 2024-12-12 100718 copy.jpg

Don't forget to link your steam account and vote, your profile pts add to the score to get us to 1 million!

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a month ago
Dec 11, 2024, 2:50:41 PM

We've cracked 100k! 

Well done Brothers!

Screenshot 2024-12-11 221028.pngLoving the old-school flames on my Archangel Vanguard from the new patch

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a month ago
Dec 10, 2024, 10:11:44 PM

Welp, the Monkey Paw curled. The added independent Face Plate coloring as a helmet marking, but it's locked behind the Dark Angels DLC Pack (Blades of Vengeance tree).

These are all fantastic suggestions though.

Updated a month ago.
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a month ago
Dec 10, 2024, 4:37:00 PM

Added - Armour decorative elements that you can colour individually

Black Trim and Bone / Gold Skull? 

Screenshot 2024-12-11 021313 copy.jpgNew update is very cool so far - ty Saber <3 

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2 months ago
Nov 29, 2024, 9:32:17 AM

I've brought this over from the Official Discord suggestions thread I made, that's why the Eye lenses are in there ;) 

Fun fact: You can't copy paste into the description, so I've rewritten the whole thing over, you're welcome lol

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a month ago
Dec 9, 2024, 8:55:09 PM

I would kill to be able to make a more accurate Mortifactor! Need the option to recolour my face plate and split forearm colour from rest of arm and hand and same with legs

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a month ago
Dec 9, 2024, 5:35:05 PM

Sikk7 wrote:

Thanks for bringing this here

Thank you!

Don't forget to link your steam account and vote, your profile pts add to the score to get us to 1 million!

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a month ago
Dec 8, 2024, 4:26:00 AM

Update from DurhamRanger on discord: Chapter Heraldry for both Shoulder Pads - It's so obvious I feel like I'm taking crazy pills! mza2xi9.jpg

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a month ago
Dec 6, 2024, 3:30:11 AM

Screenshot 2024-11-21 053033 copy.jpgUpdated with colourable Loincloths, Tabards, Robes and Capes in the Armour Sets and Heraldry Editor

Enjoy a zero context Templar Initiate 

++Burn the Heretic, Kill the Mutant, Purge the Unclean++

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a month ago
Dec 4, 2024, 6:00:07 PM

Totally here for this, been waiting since release for crimson fist hand pattern and consecrators helmet crown to chin stripes.

Also can we do away with specific right/left pauldron/knee markings it makes deathwatch schemes almost impossible and is intensely irritating to unlock a single marking twice for both knees.

P.S. Can we please get a plain mk10 tacticus helm for vanguard and sniper already?

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