With a prestige system in the works, there are quite a few rewards that could be added with it. This could include ornaments like crests, laurels, non-functional iron halos, or raised chapter icons, older marks of armor that could be considered chapter relics, like marks 2-8, and different styles of capes for the different classes, as seen on the captain models.
On top of this, there are sub classes that could be added. These would effectively be upgrades to the existing classes that would change their armor choices and possibly weapons. Here's a list of possibilities for each class based on the table top rules:
Tactical- Chaplain
Assault- Assault (twin melee)
Vanguard- Reiver (grav-chute)
Bulwark- Champion
Sniper- Scout
Heavy- Terminator (with missile pod)
But what would change with each class?
Chaplain- replace auspex with holy motivation, which makes allies deal more damage in an area around him, and make him have more focus on melee.
Assault- can now carry twin melee weapons, such as chain swords or power fists, making him more of a berserker.
Reiver- now uses grav-chute for better dodges.
Champion- Ditch the shield for a 2 handed weapon, such as a power claymore, thunder hammer, or evicerator, and use a warcry ability, which could supply damage reduction in an area around him.
Scout- focuses on being up close with more medium ranged weapons and cloak.
Terminator- bigger guns, bigger armor (4-5 bars PvE), and missiles, with the drawback being that he is unable to roll (double dodge)
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