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100 v 100 Annihilation PVE/PVP GAME MODE

Co-opGame modesMaps

17 days ago
Sep 7, 2024, 3:48:32 PM

Please see Guildwars 2 World Vs World for inspiration.

Hello, I would like to suggest an Annihilation game mode in PVP that would allow theory crafting of builds, additional depth to PVP and a game mode that would support an ongoing competitive community (guilds/clans/successors) for the lifespan of the game. This game mode wouldn't just be death match PVP, it would be objective-based PVP, a tug-of-war style where Astartes real-life players have objectives of their own to stop and halt the Xeno/heretic progress, while the Chaos/Heretic also real-life players would have objectives to capture crucial points. For example, Astartes may be defending a world and have fortifications they will need to hold as the attackers have an advantage in resources or AI support.

The roles could be reversed, with Astartes attacking and Chaos or any Xeno/heretic-type faction defending. The objectives could include ammunition supply locations, holy sites, fortifications, gun batteries that can be used to target enemy fortifications, and more.

The points accrued by either team through completing objectives would enable that team/player to purchase or request reinforcements in the form of tanks, artillery, air strikes, sentry placements, and fortifications to help defend objectives, forts, or key strategic points. It would be beneficial that the AI allies and enemies be capable of supporting players in attacking or defending objectives for example if AI controls artillery or tanks instead of players then they should aid players in the same direction/target of the pressing objective. An optional element;  the losing team would receive a short-term buff in point acquisition or resources to help them counter-attack.

I would suggest allowing perks and gun perks to be permitted in this version as it would be immense fun and give the game a lot of depth to a PVP game mode. 

You could create this game mode based on where 2 or up to 4 factions are fighting for a system/planet, enabling guilds, and factions to take form and further coordination amongst players on a larger scale. Or you could create this game mode based on historical battles and allow players to reenact them for example Adeptus mechanics,  black templars, and Imperial Guardsmen Vs The Orks at Helsreach. Also, the title states 100 v 100, but if you were to add more than 2 factions fighting for a planet/system, you could potentially do 50 v 50 v 50 v 50. The numbers are arbitrary and depend on the number of factions as long as the battles and gameplay are on a GRAND SCALE.

I know this may be a big undertaking but please give this idea some thought, it doesn't have to be completely delivered entirely at first, you can provide a base version of the above and evolve it over time. SM1 PVP was awesome and no doubt this game's PVP can be immeasurable compared to such a game mode.

Thank you for reading.

No pity! No remorse! No fear!

Updated 9 hours ago.
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12 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 2:11:28 PM

Going to be honest here, one of the biggest things about game development is balancing realistic ability with ambition. This seems way too ambitious not only for the devs to create, but to maintain. Not to mention the massive technical hurtles of performance for something of this scale. 

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12 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 11:25:47 AM

Grumblo wrote:

This would keep the game alive forever! I like the idea of including the Xenos in it as well, why stop at 2 teams? Imperium v Chaos v Xenos? Unsure if Xenos would be player controlled or AI, however it would be very cool for more variation!

Exactly Brother! They could add DLC variations and content to the annihilation game mode, allowing focus to save costs in having to develop a sequel to acquire a major revenue stream. This would allow them to develop the current game further and make it a longer lasting product.

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12 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 11:20:40 AM

FIlthyRando wrote:

The servers can't handle squads of 3 lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

I like your name, but the game does 6 v 6 fine for PVP, have faith Brother.

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12 days ago
Sep 12, 2024, 11:19:40 AM

garvielloken wrote:

You're basically asking for the creation of a whole new game

No brother, I am asking for a game mode that combines PVE & PVP components on a grand scale. No doubt the work may be vast but it is an idea that would give the game an immense amount of replay-ability and longevity. A decision for Focus to make if enough people like this idea whether they want to develop such a game mode.

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13 days ago
Sep 11, 2024, 10:47:12 PM

The servers can't handle squads of 3 lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

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15 days ago
Sep 9, 2024, 11:56:05 AM

This would keep the game alive forever! I like the idea of including the Xenos in it as well, why stop at 2 teams? Imperium v Chaos v Xenos? Unsure if Xenos would be player controlled or AI, however it would be very cool for more variation!

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16 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 9:16:00 PM

ReclusiarchGrimaldus wrote:

XavierLight wrote:

Sounds like Eternal Crusade 2 as a mode

Unfortunately I never was able to experience that game, did a quick google search unfortunately is no longer here. Was it a good experience?

Well there is a community based reboot project based on Eternal Crusade - which has actually been making quite a few strides in its development. Google for "Eternal Crusade Resurrection" if you want to check it out :)

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16 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 1:00:57 PM

REZYN wrote:

Love the idea of this.I play Pubg and Gears of War Ultimate ,primarily.This would be the best of both worlds.I hope they read your idea and actually develop it.This would extend the replay ability of Space Marine 2 for years to come.

It definitely would expand the replayability I hope the developers consider this

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16 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 9:42:59 AM

the 40k IP is essentially a gold mine of opportunity, it really defines what having a strong following has, seeing as how they've made the game for launch, I have high hopes the devs will do the game and 40k justice.

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16 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 2:39:55 AM

Vaebrae wrote:

While I absolutely LOVE this idea and this addition might have boosted this game to game of the year for me (over FF7 Rebirth, which is 2nd part of a remake to my favorite game of all time if that tells you anything), I don't see this happening for a very long time if they even decided to attempt it in the first place. 

Even if we say "they love this idea and are going to do it ASAP", I would expect something like this to be a whole paid expansion several years in the making. Something with its own campaign and other additions like classes and rebalancing, new guns and maps and shit.

All that being said, TLDR I love it and it would be amazing but doubtful. 

I agree with you. My wishful thinking is they've made a massive amount of money on the game so they can hire additional developers to provide additional content for the game. This won't be in place tomorrow but if it does come in the form of an expansion, the sooner the better for the game, players and the more money they can make from this. Its a win win for everyone? 40K is a grand universe they've made a great effort on the game, I just want that MASSIVE scale in the game to do the 40k universe justice.

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16 days ago
Sep 8, 2024, 1:35:19 AM

While I absolutely LOVE this idea and this addition might have boosted this game to game of the year for me (over FF7 Rebirth, which is 2nd part of a remake to my favorite game of all time if that tells you anything), I don't see this happening for a very long time if they even decided to attempt it in the first place. 

Even if we say "they love this idea and are going to do it ASAP", I would expect something like this to be a whole paid expansion several years in the making. Something with its own campaign and other additions like classes and rebalancing, new guns and maps and shit.

All that being said, TLDR I love it and it would be amazing but doubtful. 

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