I love this game so far but during the tutorial and even after 40 hours of game play i noticed how squishy the player is in operations (and campaign?), i like how dangerous enemies are but i have an issue with armor. hp is very scarce which wouldn't be an issue if we had consistent shield coverage and the main method of gaining shield during combat wasn't executions and gun strikes  it would be nice if i could get my shield back in between groups of enemies, I'm not asking for anything more than a quality of life fix for hp and shield (in operations and maybe campaign if that is not clear). it seems to me like the idea is that the shield is a sustainable bar and the hp is punishment for taking to much damage but i think the way it is executed comes across as a "this game is too easy countermeasure" the thing is is that the way that shield in operations (and campaign too i would assume though i haven't played too much of that) is that shield is not sustainable as every supplementary method of gaining shield to my knowledge gives 1 bar and even the smallest enemies can take in a single blow, i think this makes operation missions grueling to get through, i feel it wouldn't be as unreasonable if your shield started regenerating in half the time, low hp and powerful foes aren't an issue but i feel like i can't get aggressive even on the easiest difficulty, I'm no gaming legend but i don't enter engagements blindly or swing my weapon without purpose I know how to counter and very often i have to wait half a minute for my shield to return and i find it frustrating how long it takes for my shield to regenerate, i would like it if our shield wasn't so unreliable, also it would be nice if we slowly regenerated health I think stims would still be useful because enemies even on the easiest difficulties still shred your hp i don't think that would be too overpowered.

thank you for your time whoever reads this.

PS. I find it odd how in operations the heavy class has 3 bars of armor i think it needs that 4th bar seeing it has no melee option and i didn't see a perk that gave you that 4th bar.

PS.PS. the assault class needs a third bar of armor in pvp it uses mkX Tacticus just like the tactical class, so there is no issue with cannon i would like this class to be more usable.