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πŸ’‘ PvE: Grapnel Launcher Environment/Terrain Use πŸ’‘

WeaponsCo-opGame modesMapsGame options

9 days ago
Sep 10, 2024, 4:47:28 PM

As of now the only way to maneuver away from one crowd of enemies is to grapnel into another crowd of enemies.

Given the limited charge use of the grapnel, it would also be beneficial that you can use it to target the environment and pull towards the specific location. Thus having to prioritize the charge of the launcher for an engage or a quick maneuver disengage can be viable decision making options. Either target the ground to pull yourself away quickly or even the tree/height/roof to pull yourself up from a crowd for a ground slam attack or quick reposition. 

This would also as well help with mini bosses that fly - you cannot grapnel to flying enemies and kick them.

Updated 7 hours ago.
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6 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 8:11:01 AM

You can grapnel to the environment in pvp but for some reason not in pve so yes I'd like to see this.

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