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Class loadout tweaks


8 days ago
Sep 11, 2024, 6:14:33 AM

Hear me out, I think the current set up is good, but can be better and also more in line with the lore (which I know the team takes seriously). I’m not asking for whole new weapons here, just some adjustments to what’s available for who.

Biggest thing for me is the Tactical and Assault don’t have access to the Plasma Pistol and the Power Sword, in lore Sergeants and Command units in those roles can carry such wargear so I was shocked this isn’t in game. The other small tweak is to give the Heavy Bolt Pistol to the Vanguard and Tactical as well, the Vanguard because you can play as a Reiver and their primary pistol is the Heavy Bolt version and Tactical also has the option in lore. That’s it, I don’t think I asked for much here and I don’t believe this breaks any balance and it definitely is within lore.

Thanks for reading, THE EMPEROR PROTECTS!

Updated 11 hours ago.
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5 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 3:08:00 PM

That's not all, even. Tactical can't take the knife, Assault can't use the power sword, and Vanguard can't use the sole signature weapon of the Reivers, the Carbine. And Tactical gets the Heavy Bolt Rifle, rather than the Heavy, which is not only against lore but also fairly redundant imo.

I would say that perhaps giving sergeant loadout options (plasma, power sword, etc) to Tac Marine might lock us out of a possible future melee class (an assault intercessor, or a leadership themed explicit Sergeant). Balance issues aside though, it could only add more variety and fun to the game to expand weapon options! 

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5 days ago
Sep 14, 2024, 7:06:32 PM

Agree 100% 

All I want for my Tactical is to equipp an Heavy Boltpistol to match the Miniatures i painted like that.
But all of the suggestion above is absoloutly justified.

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