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Assault Dodge


20 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 8:32:54 AM

The issue

Currently, jump pack dodges are almost never worth it to use. 

A jump pack dodge shares a resource with the extremely powerful ground pound ability. In addition, you always have access to free regular dodges. There is no reason to ever use a jump pack dodge separately. This also renders the Commitment assault perk nearly pointless, since instead of spending a charge and hoping to get a perfect dodge, you can just perform a regular dodge at no cost and save your charges for ground pounds.

The only niche situation where a jump pack dodge become beneficial is when gap closing against a Tyranid warrior with their sniper rifle, and only when they are lining up a shot against you. In any other situation, such as if the warrior is not targeting you or lining up a shot, ground pound covers far more distance far more quickly.

A potential solution

Remove the separate jump pack dodge component and instead replace the assault's regular dodge animation with the jump pack dodge animation. This is going to look and feel amazing and really play into the assault class fantasy. As suggested by Nikonthenet, this could potentially be a tap for regular dodge and hold for jump pack dash, to still allow the assault to make a short regular dodge and counter-attack.

I would also make the new jump pack dodge slightly shorter than the original jump pack dodge, to limit the assault's ability to gap close on snipers, but still have it longer than the standard roll. Somewhere in-between. This change could then be rolled into the Eternal War mode without significant issues, since the net effect would only be increasing assault dodge distance slightly.

The assault trial would not need to be changed, and only the text would need to be updated to indicate that it is a normal dodge instead of a jump pack charge that must be performed.

To compensate for the change, the Commitment perk also needs to be changed. Personally I would recommend something to the effect of: "On perfect dodge, restore 10% of Jump Pack charge". Aerial Grace could be left the same and simply trigger on perfect dodges.

Updated 6 hours ago.
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20 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 9:00:32 AM

I agree with this, but I'd also add on that the Jump Pack Dodge should also have it's own useful kind of attack. Much like Bulwark has various ways to buff how they use their Shield Bash, Assault should have boosted dash attacks straight out of the gate.

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20 days ago
Sep 13, 2024, 11:56:07 AM

I like this idea but see a problem, and offer a solution.
If the jump dodge is too far, then when you dodge an attack you cannot counter attack as you have moved too far from the enemy.
I suggest a short/long press for the dodge results in normal dodge/jump dodge.

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10 days ago
Sep 23, 2024, 8:08:39 AM

Created an account on the forum to agree to this magnificent post and idea.

Jet Dodge is too clumsy of a use when you are used to dodge with the default option.

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