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More melee, ranged and wrist mounted weapons


4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 12:11:32 PM

Add more iconic weapons to PVE and PVP :

  • Wrist-mounted weapons (shotgun, plasma blade, assault cannon, grenade launcher, flamer…)
  • Lightning Claws
  • Axes and Power Axes
  • Flamer
  • Shotguns
  • Autocannon
  • Missile Launcher
  • Assault Cannon








Updated 13 hours ago.
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4 days ago
Sep 15, 2024, 2:38:17 PM

Swordsman1_Messer wrote:

I can get behind some of these.

That last one is a Votan Hearthguard though. Uber heresy.

Yeah but the weapon is great, plasma blade ?

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4 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 1:09:07 AM

Predator wrote:

Swordsman1_Messer wrote:

I can get behind some of these.

That last one is a Votan Hearthguard though. Uber heresy.

Yeah but the weapon is great, plasma blade ?

What part of "Heresy" did you not understand? No offense, but that would piss off a lot of SM fans.

Updated 4 days ago.
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3 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 5:06:14 PM

Swordsman1_Messer wrote:

Predator wrote:

Swordsman1_Messer wrote:

I can get behind some of these.

That last one is a Votan Hearthguard though. Uber heresy.

Yeah but the weapon is great, plasma blade ?

What part of "Heresy" did you not understand? No offense, but that would piss off a lot of SM fans.

Relax newcomer 

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a day ago
Sep 18, 2024, 3:40:46 PM

Predator wrote:

Swordsman1_Messer wrote:

Predator wrote:

Swordsman1_Messer wrote:

I can get behind some of these.

That last one is a Votan Hearthguard though. Uber heresy.

Yeah but the weapon is great, plasma blade ?

What part of "Heresy" did you not understand? No offense, but that would piss off a lot of SM fans.

Relax newcomer 

Sounds like you're the "newcomer" in video game design with some of those crazy ideas lol
But some of these cool, though missile launcher, assault cannon auto cannon are a no go..
Shotguns sounds cool on paper, but we already have the Melta Rifle, and yes you could say we can add the shotgun to let's say the Vanguard or Sniper, but that would be ridiculously OP in PVP 
Lightning Claws and Axes are already coming later on (maybe during Space Wolves' Season for Axes)
Flamer is been mention to be playable later on, but I wonder if it's going to be on a new class or adding it to existing ones, as for balance, let's just say im glad it's not my task

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