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Another Space Wolves Customization and Bare heads thread

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5 days ago
Sep 16, 2024, 5:03:08 PM

Hello dear focus entertainment!  Its been a long time since the video game world has given me so much  joy as Space Marine 2.   Congratulations on an amazing game!

Space Wolves are my favorite faction, it is one of the few times Space Vikings has successfully been pulled off in a sci fi universe!  They are a highly individualistic (and highly superstitious!) proud chapter who get heightened senses from their geneseed so they do not like wearing helmets.

So when/if Space Wolves DLC season pass will drop, can we please get customization options worthy of the wolves like bare heads with beards, braids, pelts, wolf bone trophies, tooth necklaces and so on!  Wielding an axe would be great but possibly it is outside of the scope of Space Marine 2.

Probably the most iconic piece of Space Wolves art is the third edition codex front page painted by the amazing Dave Gallagher, depicting a hot headed Blood Claw holding off the Ork tide: 


Here is a picture of a Grey Slayer from the Horus Heresy rulebook:Image

Painted by Jaime Martinez, The Space Wolves led by Ragnar Blackmane attempt to launch a surprise attack on Ghazkull Thraka.  Bottom right wolf is my favourite:

Warhammer 40k: Prophecy of the Wolf
Skold Greypelt holds off the Tyranid invasion on the ice planet of Shadrac: 

Updated 3 hours ago.
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4 days ago
Sep 17, 2024, 4:44:07 PM

Another Space Wolves main, we totally need customization for them, fur for the armor and those helmets with a tail on them, maybe power axes.

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2 days ago
Sep 19, 2024, 11:11:37 AM

Space Wolves Heraldry

Like Valrak said, Focus needs to have one guy on their payroll just punching inn all the icongraphy and heraldry of the different space marine chapters ;)

Depending on how deep Focus want to go with fan service, these are the most important ones.


The 13th company was lost during the invasion of Prospero, as the whole company followed Magnus into the warp.  Some returned during the Black Legions crusade towards Cadia, wearing this chapter symbol as described in the Codex Eye of Terror:

The 13th found a way to survive in the warp for ten millennia, tearing off armor parts from Chaos Space Marines to repair their own armor:



New with the Primaris upgrade is the Space Wolves geneseed became stable enough to create successor chapters, of which the most famous is the Wolfspear:

Chapter symbol:

Color scheme:

Shoulder pad markings:

Knee pad markings:

And of course RUNES, all Space Wolves use Runic Engravings all over their armor:

Updated 2 days ago.
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2 days ago
Sep 19, 2024, 3:01:45 PM

A good selection of Pelts, tails, wolf skulls and rune talismans, oh and a chapter specific Terminator honours shoulder pad please.

If head customisation is coming, then a epic beards, plaits, fangs and angry faces please! 

If theres a chance of lighting claws, can they be the older style where they are built into the back of the glove, rather than a sort of knuckle duster held in the hand. 

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