There 100% needs to be a report feature added into the game ASAP. How this is not a feature already is crazy considering there is PvP, along with the cheaters running rampant makes it very frustrating. 
Shock grenades need the flash effect removed entirely, no other grenade is multi purpose, and the shock grenade already cuts off pathways with the AoE effect, why does it ALSO get a blinding effect? Most matches are pure shock grenade spam.
Melee hitboxes need to be looked at too, not sure if it's the netcode or servers, but there have been many times where myself or an enemy is out of each others ranges and yet we still are able to hit each other/get kills when there is clearly a 3-5 feet between us. 
Game is very enjoyable however these 3 tweaks are desperately needed ASAP in my opinion.