First off, game is phenomenal so congrats to the whole team for pulling it off.

Been playing a lot and thought of a few things that might be easy(ish) to implement just to expand upon customisation in PVE/PVP.

First off I feel like the chaos space marines could benefit from some un-helmeted heads, the voice lines give them so much character it would be great to see some of the macabre faces under those helmets that match those voices. 

Similarly, my personal preference would be to let us switch the heads between the chaos classes to give us a little more freedom until you get round to adding more chaos cosmetics, but obviously that goes against the  rule of legion-specific classes if that's what you're going for. Although you haven't stopped us putting the chaos marking on our loyalist marines? (Heresy).

While we're talking about CSM's, where's the Slaanesh and Tzeentch love? Khorne and Nurgle have their champions so I think the Thousand Sons armour from the campaign needs to make an appearance!

Secondly, more of a reassurance rather than suggestion but I assume the chapter cosmetic packs coming won't be class locked? I know champion skins are but I'm hoping for instance if the Space Wolves get a DLC it won't just a Wolf guard skin for bulwark and no cosmetics for any of the other classes. I think people would prefer some cosmetics that are universal (Head, shoulders, chest)  like the Deathwatch armour is rather than just getting a single class fully decked out in chapter specific gear.

Lastly, my idea for future operations is this, I'd love it if we got the occasional operation that wasn't tied to the story or took place on a different planet. We could have a snowy operation on a frozen deathworld against the tyranids but a different hive fleet perhaps (The visuals of all the blood on the snow would be insane) incorporate the storm mechanic from the 6th operation but make it a blizzard etc. And having some recoloured tyranids could spice things up, Hive fleet Behemoth would look very cool in a very pale colourless environment for instance. 

My ultimate dream of this would be a halloween event in the coming years; a special operation is released where we play as legion of the damned versions of our classes vs the forces of Nurgle (zombie guardsmen being the minoris enemies, plaguebearers and plague marines being the major melee and ranged enemies and a bloated beast of Nurgle being Extremis). Completing that op at the different difficulty levels would unlock parts of the armour set, (1. emblems, 2.paint, 3. armour parts and 4. weapon skins). 

Obviously that is a massive undertaking but I think the idea of unlocking specific cosmetics tied to a particular operation could be a good way of letting us earn some cool cosmetics and making it feel like more of a reward for skill rather than just grinding.

My final little query is regarding a blood setting. I never pictured tyranids having red blood (I always assumed it was more like a yellow or green ichor) so maybe a setting to the change the gore colour could be something to look into for the future.

Again, love the game, your hard work has more than paid off and I can't wait to see what you guys do with it in the future!