I find it so annoying to have maxed out my characters, but still having to replay lower difficulties with them just to level up certain weapons (which takes way too long). Please give us the option to use these armory marks to also fill the upper bar of the wespons to unlock the next rarity and stronger variation of the weapon. It takes away the variety of playstyle with each class since you cant just swop weapons because they are too low and need to be leveled up... on the other side we have tons of armory data from which most of it will stay unused, since we farm more then we will eventually need. So why cant we use like 5 or 10 of them to also fill the upper level bar of each weapon so we can level the weapons and enjoy them on the difficulties we wanna play before we grind our asses of to level up each one which is quite upsetting tbh, since there are thinks that are way more fun in the game. At least let us get to the purple weapons that way and from there on level it up to max level on highest difficulty