
currently, the game only offers you two options when it comes to multiplayer.
Crossplay on or not. That does not apply to PvP, as in PvP you can not have crossplay at all.
The game desperately needs more, better options to help with your server issues.
I'd like to propose a few:
1) Region matchmaking - Limit the matchmaking to USA, EU west, EU east, etc etc.
2) Ping matchmaking - Limit the matchmaking to people above X ping
3) Private play (Friends only) - Self explanatory, a private lobby that your friends can join
4) Private play (invite only) - also pretty easy to understand, a private lobby where the only way to join is to get invited by the host
5) Solo lobby - As the developers clearly stated in their Official Statement on Steam, the game would launch with Solo play in Operations on Launch. It did not. Private lobby does not fix that.
Of course, there could be more options. For example, limit matchmaking based on NAT settings. Or if the game detects you have closed NAT, to give you ports to open.