Hello,as people are struggling with their 4GB VRAM cards for some reason (probably the spaghetti code), I'd like to propose several additional ideas for the Graphics option menu.

  1. 1) A visual representation of VRAM / CPU load used. In some games, in options menu, you can see how changing different options in Graphics settings increases/decreases demand on GPU/CPU.
  2. 1a) that would roughly look like two boxes at the side of the different Graphics options. One representing GPU, one CPU, with clearly visible text stating which is which and numbers. Maybe a bar representing your total VRAM/CPU.1b) The numbers would show projected load on your system. The bar would be less/more full based on that.
  3. 1c) There would be additional line (if you allow Space Marine 2 to access that info) to show if you can even use better options or if your machine would just keel over, because you have 12 browser tab open and Twitch running. This would be especially helpful for people who are scraping for every possible resource to be able to play your game.
  4. 2) Reducing flickering and other visual clutter. Okay, I don't have epilepsy or such, but **** that lamp in Operation Inferno at the console you use to open the door into the complex. It flickers like ****. I'm not saying remove that entirely, but there really should at least be an option to turn those off. If your "vision" is for it to look broken, break it. If you are capable of letting go of your "vision" a little bit, just keep it on instead of flickering like that. It's really ****ing migraine inducing.
  5. 3) FoV. No excuses. There are mods for it since day 1. Your "vision" can go buy some painkillers and anti-nausea medication for people who get sick from too low FoV. Yes, your game is Third Person. No, that doesn't matter. Only because you can't get sick, doesn't mean others can't.
  6. 4) Widescreen/Ultrawidescreen support. Again, a mod since day 1. There's no excuse for it to not be there on launch.
  7. 5) Upscaling options. Okay, there is DLSS. It's not clearly labeled. Is it DLSS? Is it DLSS2? Is it 3? Can we switch? Why not? Why is there no "Off" option? Why is text everywhere blurry for my friend on his shoulderpad in campaign even though his game is in 1080p? 
  8. 6) GPU memory restriction and CPU limitation on worker threads. It would be a good option to have. I can play the game on Medium instead of High settings and the game will still hog all it can. Why? There's no reason for that.
  9. 7) Bloom strength is also an option that is missing.
  10. 8) Speaking of upscaling, why isn't there Frame Generation or Nvidia Reflex?
  11. 9) A thing that's shockingly missing from the game is maximum amount of corpses. Reducing that would help some people. Increasing that would allow people with beefy machines feel more Warhammer 40k. Other related things can be max weapon impact decals, max blood splatters, their longetivity, their LoD.... Why is that missing in the first place in a game like this...?