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finding collectibles for unique armour cosmetics


18 days ago
Sep 1, 2024, 5:03:46 PM

As the title indicates, during the campaign, cooperative campaign or any other PvE mode, players can find collectible items for unique customization cosmetics, with each item having its own lore description, For example: you can find 3 shoulder or sword blade collectible and unlock a unique  cosmetic for use in PvE/PvP                                      

                                                                     The Emperor protects! 

Updated 7 hours ago.
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18 days ago
Sep 1, 2024, 8:22:19 PM

This would add good incentives to those who wish to put a lot of time into the game.  Nice idea. 

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18 days ago
Sep 1, 2024, 8:30:23 PM

Thanks, I can't take full credit. I got the idea from Quake Champions. During each match, there were pots and objects with a small chance of dropping a lore scroll. Collecting enough results in a skin for a character, so every match I hunted those items in the hope of getting them. And it feels like it would fit great in this game in some capacity

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17 days ago
Sep 2, 2024, 4:14:47 PM

I like this idea a lot!

If there is one thing W40K has its lore, adding some unique items to discover would add some interesting context and help develop the world buiding element. . .perhaps you could scan a discovered item that you find and it would give you a log of what happened, why it was lost and what the item was.

Implementation would require time for sure, items need balancing, writing, designing, placing in world etc but stuff like that adds purpose to your escapades and encourages exploration

Updated 17 days ago.
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17 days ago
Sep 2, 2024, 5:03:51 PM

Any would be cool, in my humble opinion. Just searching for items and getting rewarded for your efforts is the general idea. I can't tell the developers how to do their job, so if they take inspiration from ideas, I would be happy

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16 days ago
Sep 3, 2024, 12:11:38 PM

​This is similar to DC Universe Online (DCUO), where there is a large open-world map with small nooks and alleys that hide items and fashion. If you want to incorporate this into Space Marine 2, it would require reworking the entire PVE map and including random map generation. I think it would be better to implement it as a challenge, similar to Darktide, rather than reworking the entire map

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16 days ago
Sep 3, 2024, 3:46:54 PM

Great Idea, future PVE Missions can implement this 👍 and later Devs can go back to original 6 missions and add new ones.

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13 days ago
Sep 6, 2024, 3:22:05 PM

yes, we need something like this. We defo need more variation. Maybe even unique named weapons. That character in lore, books etc have used

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