If I'm in the Launch Bay as a Bulwark and start a PvE Operation, I WANT TO PLAY IT AS A BULWARK.
I have been over 6 minutes trying to go into a PvE Operation and I keep getting into Lobbies which made me choose one of the 6 classes, only for me to see that there is already one Bulwark in the Lobby waiting for Battle Brothers.
Or even better, I get pulled into the Operation where there already is someone playing a Bulwark.
What do you think is more likly, that I choose a different class to complete the Operation with them or that I simply exit the the Operation and try again? Take a guess.
How hard can it be to implement a system, that only pulls me into Lobbies which have room for the class which I started with?
How can you even develop a game with different classes and not have some sort of filtering, when going into a PvE Operations?
Angry marine
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Angry marine
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