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Cover the Bulwark's behind


2 days ago
Feb 12, 2025, 12:19:34 AM

I really like the Bulwark's robes, but for chest armor pieces like the T-Veteran, Dark Angels and Corvus, it feels underwhealming and kinda lame that there's no cloth, extra pouches or relics on the back. I don't feel like those need full cloth on all sides, but at least cover the back so that we Bulwarks don't feel half-naked or like we only look cool on the front... Specially when we are paying for some of those

Updated an hour ago.
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4 hours ago
Feb 13, 2025, 1:30:56 PM

I completely agree, it feels off not at least having the back robe bit. I feel as though the new "Relic" chest gear doesn't feel relic and more like a reskin of the 1st chest piece, and that goes for every class since they all lack the pouches/tabard added by the normal progression gear.

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