The current ones in the PTS are completely against the class identity, if heavy needs a better way to use melee, it should be handled differently.
Dedicating high level perks to barely cover the weakest aspect of the class is wrong.
If someone wants to use melee, they won't pick Heavy.
His perks should bolster, enhance and most of all commit to the playstyle of heavy guns.
Some perks ideas I think would be much more in line or could serve as a starting point:
- Strategic Stand's enhanced Heavy Stance benefits remain active for X time after leaving the stance if you kill X enemies in X seconds.
- aiming with secondary weapon grants a minor version of Strategic Stand with adjusted values.
- during Iron Halo's active period killing enemies grants ammo reserves back to the weapon up to a determined threshold.
- activating Iron Halo prevents teammate's weapon within an area from depleting their ammo for X seconds.
- Shooting a weapon without aiming cools down the weapon/restores ammo while the overheat gauge is still on (up to a threshold).
- allows weapons to shoot while overheated for X time while in Heavy Stance as long as there's ammo left, the player receives DoT due to heat during this period, cooldown X seconds.
Please reconsider the role of the class, I think as an starting point my suggestions align far better with what you'd expect heavy to be able to do when in Prestige, more people or even the Devs surely will have better ideas, but melee is not the way to go.
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