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Kith's Assault Rework

Game modesCo-op

4 days ago
Mar 22, 2025, 1:37:26 PM

The thrust of the idea is extremely simple: make the Jump Pack function more like Space Marine's.

  1. Replace the Assault's default Dodge with the Jump Pack Dodge. The Jump Pack Dodge is absolutely not worth an ability charge, nor is it much stronger than an average Dodge. Sure, the Jump Pack Dodge has more Perfect Dodge frames than a normal Dodge, but Blocking and Parrying is often a significantly better option for a variety of reasons. SM2's Assault feels sluggish and awkward compared to SM1's, and allowing us to use Jump Pack Dodge more frequently would go a long way towards remedying that. Hell, if you're worried about players using it too often and it being a balance issue, you could tie it to the Hover Bar and downgrade the player to normal Dodges when the bar is full.
  2. Reduce the Charge Time of Slam Attacks. A major contributing factor to the Assault's sluggishness in SM2 compared to SM1 is how long it takes to charge a Slam Attack. You're already up in the air, you're already frozen in place and likely getting shot at, so the period between readying a Slam Attack and actually executing one feels like an eternity. I don't think it needs to be instant like it was in SM1, but the current Charge Time duration is one of the big reasons why the Assault feels clunky and unsatisfying (especially when my teammates blast apart the group that I was getting ready to Slam Attack into, leaving me smashing nothing but dirt). Also, if you're worried about how this would impact PvP, just lower the damage of Slam Attacks to make up for the reduced Charge Time (which would also go a long way towards making Assaults less frustrating to play against since players would then have more time to react to Thunder Hammer Slams Combos instead of dying near-instantly).

And... that's all the Assault really needs: Cheaper Jump Pack Dodges and smoother Slam Attacks. After fully leveling all of the other classes, the Assault just feels bad compared to the Bulwark's invulnerability or the flexibility of the Vanguard and Tactical or the significant ranged damage of the Sniper and Heavy. The Assault's only real distinguishing features right now are the Jump Pack and the Thunder Hammer, and while the Thunder Hammer is nice, one weapon is not enough to carry the class on its own.

Updated 13 minutes ago.
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3 days ago
Mar 23, 2025, 8:14:14 AM

I agree. These changes would definitely go a long way to making the class feel more mobile and more fun to play... And the Perfect Jump Pack Dodge Ordeal could actually be feasible to complete.

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