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Procedurally generated Operation maps

MapsGame modesCo-op

6 months ago
Aug 27, 2024, 3:57:05 PM

Procedurally generated co-op maps would really help the longevity of the game. Exploring a derelict spaceship, venturing into an ancient faction-themed subterranea or navigating a seemingly endless battlefield to find the enemy commander sounds like great fun, even after hundreds of gameplay hours!

Updated 6 minutes ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


ADMIN OnyxBlade

status updated 6 months ago


The game's architecture was not conceived to have procedurally generated operation maps, so this idea is unfortunately out of vision! But, we already have a lot of ideas to help the longevity of the game! 


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5 months ago
Sep 14, 2024, 5:42:04 PM

Love the settings you described for new map ideas, especially the derelict ship. However "procedurally generated" maps just feel empty. This game has so much life because of all the small details everywhere. 

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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


ADMIN OnyxBlade

status updated 6 months ago


The game's architecture was not conceived to have procedurally generated operation maps, so this idea is unfortunately out of vision! But, we already have a lot of ideas to help the longevity of the game! 

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6 months ago
Sep 4, 2024, 1:10:20 PM

Well, "Out of vision" wasn't the response I (and many others) were hoping for. But the idea of it being a great feature to have in the game remains. Once a hope, now a dream!

Updated 6 months ago.
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6 months ago
Sep 4, 2024, 1:48:07 PM

That's too bad about this one.  I hope they are right and can keep it going without procedural maps.

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6 months ago
Sep 5, 2024, 10:43:07 PM

Our concern is games that we want to play often lack the capability to maintain its audience and although you may have a road map of where you intend to go the modern day gamer will more often then not complete a game in mere days. When we come across a title we fully support and wish to remain engrossed in we feel a deep sense to get in contact with the creator. When the game warframe came out the community got together to help digital extremes create content by giving them ideas to keep the product alive 11years . it's still going. With so many bad games coming out these days that no one wants to play or even pay for there's not a lot to look forward to. So when you come along with this massive title we need to know there going to be content. And we need you to know we are fully behind you. You have done a great job on this game so for us this is a journey we don't want and are not ready for us to see end. Maybe what we are asking is a tall order but then again (take my money) coz we will pay for it. But it's up to you where you go from here , your fate is in your hands and we are waiting with out money in hand. 

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6 months ago
Sep 9, 2024, 4:01:45 AM
If not procedurally generated maps, let's have procedurally generated missions on those maps, with different paths that unlock based on the mission. The game is just too repetitive, 19 hours in and it's already becoming boring.

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6 months ago
Sep 10, 2024, 7:40:09 AM

Defo, I think in time more maps will be added, environmental ideas always help.. longevity and conglomeration is key!

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5 months ago
Sep 12, 2024, 8:49:11 AM

The repetitive nature of the missions makes the gameplay feel too monotonous. More randomness is definitely needed to keep it engaging over time.

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6 months ago
Sep 3, 2024, 5:16:39 PM

Not saying I wouldn't love more operations maps than just the 6-7 we'll be starting with but "Procedurally Generated" in the context used feels almost like asking for full-on AI made levels. 

Updated 6 months ago.
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5 months ago
Sep 16, 2024, 11:02:18 AM

Simple Procedural Generation is doable. For lack of any examples I can give you small game called Arboria. It was an IndieDev studio so from what I know, at best there were like maybe 10 people working there on the whole game. So it's not like you need loads of people to do it.
And you already have a good ammount of content to use/populate maps/create maps with based from what I've seen in the game. 
Procedural generation worked in that game (reminder : Arboria) like this : You have a box (aka a room) 10 by 10 metres, each wall that you can face as a character in the middle has a space for a door. This door can either be active or not (aka can go through it or not which will make it to be just a wall) also there had to be small space around the area of the door empty just in case you needed space for an elevator/stairs to change elevation (aka go higher or lower than you currently are).
Multiply boxes, connect each box with each other via those "doors" to form a path from point A to B with some boxes leading up to dead ends whilst others looping around to create a path and you have yourself a simple maze/and or just procedurally generated map. Expand the idea with different shapes of the room/box (aka box is wider/longer and can now have more than one space for a "door" on the wall thus X/Y is wider, whilst you can expand the idea further with different elevation so also expanded on Z) and you have yourself a simple procedurally generated map. All you need to do now is just fill those "boxes"/"rooms" with interesting environment, job's done. Now you have a collection of so called rooms from which the algorithm builds a level and that's that.
Also Add possibility for each box to contain A) spaces where chests/items with pickable stuff can be spawned (or not, totally random) B)spawn points for enemies to come through unto the map so director can make your life a living hell and voila. 
Btw each box IS hand crafted so the procedural generation comes from the fact that the algorithm uses existing base of rooms to build your map from.
And I can tell from what I've seen in game that you SM2 has loads of assets (even whole rooms/areas) that could be easily molded into a room that's used in this example. 
And that's only one of the ideas. At one point you had this crazy tool called Dungeon Generator available on Unreal Engine Marketplace so you had a tool that was ready out of the box you just needed to add bunch of meshes so generator had objects to build from and voila. Required some tweaking but for proof of concept it was usable/doable quite quickly.
So when any dev says "not possible/can't do that" I'm very suspicious. It usually sounds to me more like "nah we won't do it because <insert reasons here I'm totally sure they are valid>". Give me one dev (programmer) who's gonna put toegether an algorithm (or just give me some time to figure it out on my own, because there are working examples/tutorials on how to do that by yourself) for maze creation just like I've explained (probably poorly but I hope the main idea comes across) and I can print you out those boxes/rooms daily and month from now we can have a prototype to test it.

Updated 5 months ago.
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5 months ago
Sep 16, 2024, 7:36:11 PM

Honestly, I do think that randomly generated would be better and drastically increase replay-ability. That said, I think that it can be done with the same maps, with more maps added eventually. I understand if the maps, and perhaps even the pathing through the map can't change (or at least change with a simply patch update), however you could swap around enemies encountered, increase/vary the appearance of 'mini-bosses' (randomly appearing single carnifex or hellbrute, with an accompanying reward would be mandatory), randomly spawn little mini events or some other small changes to the game play. So while the map and some of the hard points may not change, each play through feels different. The addition of new maps will help alleviate this problem, but ONLY if it's a frequent addition. Otherwise why play the game if you've already played it through once or twice? Play something else for a few months till the new map comes out, play the game for the new map a few times, maybe unlock a new piece of gear if you're close to unlocking, then play something else till the next update comes through.

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4 months ago
Oct 21, 2024, 9:48:13 PM

Love this idea, and it is great shame games architecture doesn't allow it. I hope that maybe in future devs will find some way to bypass this, maybe as in warframe, by creating many small premade segments and adding script to mix those segments, so maps will not be infinite but we will have like tens of thousands of combinations

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2 months ago
Dec 21, 2024, 3:20:38 PM

"out of vision"  your vision should be retaining your playerbase.  Cooking the same meal over and over again takes away the appeal it had on the first day; by the end of the week you want to taste something else.  

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a month ago
Jan 20, 2025, 6:27:42 PM

I disagree. Too many games try to implement this, and when they rush it or it wasn't a part of the original plan it is bad for the game. 

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6 months ago
Sep 1, 2024, 1:55:37 PM

Love this idea hope it gets implemented. Maybe some planetary conquest or Crusade mode with players pushing back against enemy factions on a system wide scale.

Updated 6 months ago.
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