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5 months ago
Aug 31, 2024, 1:51:42 PM

The classes we have today are awesome, but an area that doesn't seem to be covered is healing.  An Apothecary unit fills this gap and offers a unique look, Narthecium weapon and playstyle.  

This would be a greaty unit in PvE where there are no places to get your health back whereas in PvP it would allow the Devs to tinker more with TTK.

Updated 8 minutes ago.
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Must have

The MUST HAVE status is given by the dev team to ideas they would really like to have in the game.


DEV Hylia

status updated 5 months ago

Hi there! Thank you for suggesting this idea. Implementing new classes in the game is an idea we've had already! Just know that this kind of additional content takes times. Thank you!


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4 months ago
Oct 5, 2024, 5:19:58 PM

The real question to me is what the class should play like. Obviously it should have some kind of healing functionality, but what does its overall kit look like. Here's some ideas I have:

Passive Ability: Members of the squad gain +50% extra healing from medical stims

Active Ability: Heals target squad member to 50% of their maximum health and can instantly revive a downed teammate. Has a range of 5 meters.

Primary Weapon Options: Auto Bolt Rifle, Bolt Carbine, Bolt Rifle, Heavy Bolt Rifle

Secondary Weapon Option: Bolt Pistol

Melee Weapon Options: Chainsword; Combat Blade

Note: The narthecium would be back-mounted wargear for the purposes of cosmetics 

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5 months ago
Sep 17, 2024, 6:08:26 PM

my idea is odd and is kinda lore accurate so I understand if these cant be implemented. 

Character: Apothecary Biologis

Armor: Gravis (heavy)

Weapons: Absolver Bolt Pistol & Astartes Chainsword

Some odds and ends here. Major ability is to drop the  Specimen Container and it creates AOE healing area in PvE and a DOT area in Pvp. Basically defense and area denial. Any enemy that walks into it will take dot. In PvE only minor enemies will run into it the others will avoid it but can still shoot into and use the whips to get in. It’s not a shield. Have the ability to carry four stims. Two for myself and the other two for teammates. The administering of a stim will have a x cooldown but will provide healing over time and buff the characters damage and speed for a few seconds. Grenades can be standard or make a grenade that picks up downed players but has a long regen time. Lastly if a player does die completely his body remains and It can harvest the gene seed. If they do his overall respawn time is reduced by X. These are just idea I had. I doubt they can be implemented due to unforeseen things on my end. I just want this game to do well and I like being the healer lol.

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5 months ago
Sep 18, 2024, 7:00:44 PM

Sharpe0095 wrote:

Apothecary, Chaplain, Techmarine and Librarian - next 4 classes please :) 

And then those would be the only classes you ever see again.

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5 months ago
Sep 18, 2024, 7:13:47 PM

I seem to be in the minority here but I think adding the apothecary would be detrimental to the game. If you add the apothecary (or librarian/chaplain/tech marine) then they will be an auto-take. Every mission will be an apothecary and two other classes (even worse if there is a chaplain or librarian) I love the way the classes are balanced and would be excited to see new ones, but they should be other "regular" marines. Having super elite HQ units as playable classes will either require dumbing them down to the point that they lose their identity or destroying the idea that there is no "right answer" when it comes to class choice.

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5 months ago
Sep 20, 2024, 6:00:17 AM

Silent wrote:

Love the idea of an Apothecary and hopefully one day a Chaplain as well.

One thing I just wanted to state though... I think we'd have to be really careful with how healing works in this game. The core of combat already revolves around replenishing armor with parries and executes. Sometimes getting to the brink of death, only to come back with a series of well executed actions.

It is my worry that in introducing a healing class, the game MAY become too simplified and remove much of the difficulty involved. This COULD result in a less challenging, and thus, less enjoyable game. So the apothecary class would have to be implemented very carefully. I liked the idea of the apothecary transfusing his own blood to a teammate, taking away his own health, but replenishing an alliy's. This way, there is a give and take that doesn't just flat out add health into the game, but rather swaps the available health around between players. Then again, it doesn't have to be 1-to-1. The apothecary could provide more health than the health he is taking away from himself in the transfusion. But the mere idea of sacrificing his own health to replenish an allies seems like it would do well in terms of keeping the difficulty of the game.

That's just my thoughts, my opinion.

Looking forward to whatever comes of the apothecary and future classes.

The Emperor provides!

This right here!! I think we (the players) have to consider the way health is designed right now doesn't work with a healing class that will just GIVE health to the squad. 

As for how I think the healing can possibly look, utilizing the contested HP mechanic can be something worth playing around with. It can look in all sorts of ways, maybe a 1 pip temporary armor + an amount of contested HP to an ally or NEARBY squad members. Perhaps if an ally takes a heavy hit an apothecary can instantly patch up an allies contested hp (though that would mean allies would have to see your contested hp) (and yes pretty niche but throwing out concepts). Granting contested health makes "healing" a risk with a pretty hefty reward in a clutch scenario making parrying and dodging very important rather than a free get me out of jail card. This also goes without giving apothecaries a risk to using it. At the cost of their ability maybe an armor or hp loss at the use of the ability, (armor wouldnt make as much sense as hp) but it makes for interesting team play and makes apothecaries feel some pressure when playing their class. We wouldn't want the class to be some boring backline medic that, for efficiency sake just has to be good at running around dodging and parrying. It keeps them on their toes. 

With your blood transfusion too I can imagine it working too. But again, emphasizing using some already built in mechanic, maybe granting an amount of hp to a teammate at the cost of a price of the apothecaries OWN hp where a % of it lost becomes contested can keep the apothecaries on their toes. The hp grant to teammates can also be contested too, it really just depends on what would work the best.

Really good points and suggestions made though, just giving my opinion in exchange. 

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5 months ago
Sep 20, 2024, 1:22:48 PM

Apothecary class would bring a lot of new mechanics to the game I workshopped and roughed out ideas for how the class would function if people ae interested. I also did the same for Techmarine, Chaplain and Terminator as well as an idea for a Hybrid class that would account for all the dozens of other flavors of marines across various chapters.

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5 months ago
Sep 21, 2024, 2:20:20 AM

An apothecary maybe getting a score back in certain game modes or new ones like a kill confirmed would also be an excellent idea.

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5 months ago
Sep 24, 2024, 5:28:27 PM

Silent wrote:

Love the idea of an Apothecary and hopefully one day a Chaplain as well.

One thing I just wanted to state though... I think we'd have to be really careful with how healing works in this game. The core of combat already revolves around replenishing armor with parries and executes. Sometimes getting to the brink of death, only to come back with a series of well executed actions.

It is my worry that in introducing a healing class, the game MAY become too simplified and remove much of the difficulty involved. This COULD result in a less challenging, and thus, less enjoyable game. So the apothecary class would have to be implemented very carefully. I liked the idea of the apothecary transfusing his own blood to a teammate, taking away his own health, but replenishing an alliy's. This way, there is a give and take that doesn't just flat out add health into the game, but rather swaps the available health around between players. Then again, it doesn't have to be 1-to-1. The apothecary could provide more health than the health he is taking away from himself in the transfusion. But the mere idea of sacrificing his own health to replenish an allies seems like it would do well in terms of keeping the difficulty of the game.

That's just my thoughts, my opinion.

Looking forward to whatever comes of the apothecary and future classes.

The Emperor provides!

just make healing the apothecaries special ability. the class perks could be geared toward mitigation or even buffing the ability

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4 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 2:26:37 PM

I think it's not a good idea because instead of playing by a class causing damage you will play by a useless class that relies on teammates' gameplay. 

At the current moment, the best Apothecary is Bastion :)

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4 months ago
Sep 26, 2024, 8:26:52 PM

Suggestion for possible Techmarine ability:

Incantations of the Omnissiah: Stirs the machine spirit of allied wargear within the radius, instantly regenerating one bar or armor, and making ranged weapons hit harder and reload slightly faster (also empties the magazine faster) for a set period of time. Grenades can be replaced with spare parts that let you use the equipment to fully restore the shields of your allies, you can also carry one extra armor boost in reserve that can be used as an ally (you must pick it up while your armor is already boosted).

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4 months ago
Sep 27, 2024, 7:19:49 AM

Xander wrote:

my idea is odd and is kinda lore accurate so I understand if these cant be implemented. 

Character: Apothecary Biologis

Armor: Gravis (heavy)

Weapons: Absolver Bolt Pistol & Astartes Chainsword

Some odds and ends here. Major ability is to drop the  Specimen Container and it creates AOE healing area in PvE and a DOT area in Pvp. Basically defense and area denial. Any enemy that walks into it will take dot. In PvE only minor enemies will run into it the others will avoid it but can still shoot into and use the whips to get in. It’s not a shield. Have the ability to carry four stims. Two for myself and the other two for teammates. The administering of a stim will have a x cooldown but will provide healing over time and buff the characters damage and speed for a few seconds. Grenades can be standard or make a grenade that picks up downed players but has a long regen time. Lastly if a player does die completely his body remains and It can harvest the gene seed. If they do his overall respawn time is reduced by X. These are just idea I had. I doubt they can be implemented due to unforeseen things on my end. I just want this game to do well and I like being the healer lol.

Love the gene-seed recover mechanic. 

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4 months ago
Oct 10, 2024, 5:21:41 PM

making the player even more reliant on external sources than they already are is the opposite of fixing the issue of player's lack of self-reliant and confidence.
this would be an actual solution to that problem.

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3 months ago
Nov 6, 2024, 1:50:36 PM
Another option is a "Helix" which is essentially a Vanguard "Apothecary" that uses a watered-down version of the Narthecium gauntlet. The Helix would offer the player to use longer range weaponry like the Marksman Bolt Carbine but still be able to use a Bolt Pistol and Medicae gear. 
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