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We need health regain mechanics for the classes

Game modesCo-op

10 hours ago
Feb 12, 2025, 8:54:47 AM

As the title says: we need health regain mechanics for all the classes. Either make the Vanguard %5 heal on execute perk a default mechanic across the board while increasing it to 10%(and while giving a nice perk to compensate Vanguard) or add unique ways for other classes to get health back. The first option might cause everyone to hog the executions so maybe something like Tactical gaining contested health when he marks enemies or Heavy gaining contested health while using Iron Halo would be better. 
Someone also had mentioned that a toned down and tuned version of the old Melta overhealing bug would be a great mechanic and I agree.
In any case, health regain across the board in some way(s) is desperately needed.

Updated an hour ago.
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4 hours ago
Feb 12, 2025, 3:13:15 PM

I don't agree with that.

There are already enough ways to regain life. 3 classes out of 6 offer this possibility.

 - The Bucward with the banner.

 - The Vanguard with the 20% of heal on extremis.

 - The Heavy by raising a teammate full life + armor.

 - The Stims 

- The relic 

 Giving healing mechanics to everyone will just fill the game with solo rambo and kill the little teamplay we can have. People will feel invincible and will just wander around the map looking for majoris to kill to regain life. 

 My brother protects me and I protect my brothers!

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3 hours ago
Feb 12, 2025, 4:24:00 PM

The extreme scarcity of healing is responsible for the undesired player behavior of "basically always use this same handful of perks that grant healing."

In response to this behavior, they have nerfed vanguard self-healing, planned to nerf Bulwark party healing (but did not actually implement it) - neither of those things are necessary.

It's the same thing as fencing weapons: they created a game environment that has certain right answers.  Rather than try to nerf those right answers to increase build diversity, they should acknowledge that those answers are in direct response to the game environment - and make some version of them baseline to free up design space.

My personal favorite answer is "Gain 10% of your missing health on execute, OR any contested health, whichever is greater."  It maintains the sense of scarcity that they do want, in that you really can't use it to heal to full - but it will help with stim-hoarding and keep one bad moment from forcing players into Survival-horror mode for the rest of the run.  Vanguard perk granting an additional 5% of max health on top of that would still have a playstyle impact, but would no longer feel "mandatory" as there would be another reliable source of sustain.

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