This post is for four Datavault ordeals in the title section. The ordeals for escaping enemy grab attacks, namely "Ravener Escape", "Lictor Escape", and "Terminator Escape" promote bad gameplay. These ordeals all specify that the player must escape the grab, and so the player forfeits progress for dodging the attacks. Intentionally or unintentionally being grabbed by these enemies hurts both the player and the team for the time that the grab lasts. When grabbed, the team must stop what they are doing to free the grabbed player, or that player suffers massive damage (at least in higher difficulties).
This interaction is not in line with the gameplay of the Operations mode, wherein avoiding high damage attacks saves both resources and time. I do not believe this ordeal should be removed, but would benefit from an addition. If progress would be made for either escaping the grab attacks, or dodging them then players would be more reliably rewarded for this enemy interaction. Of course if the enemy never targets the player, then no progress can be made. That is acceptable due to the reduced risk.
Lastly, the description for the ordeal "Neurothrope Grounder" can be misleading. It states "Kill a Neurothrope while it is on the ground in Operations mode". The Neurothrope floats near the ground while it is vulnerable in its shell of pulsating energy, rests on the ground after being stunned, and also lays on the ground when in the executable state. This description would benefit from some clarity between them, hopefully with a distinction between immediately killing the Neurothrope or bringing it the executable state.
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