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Chaos customization is a must have in PVP

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2 days ago
Feb 19, 2025, 1:46:16 PM

Chaos customization is a must have feature in PVP. I will attach many pictures regarding the potential Chaos customization, Chaos weapon skins, and also about the fact, that in Space Marine 1, we had a really complex Chaos customization system. 

In summary what the SM2 community needs regarding Chaos customization: removing the Class lock, detailed customization option, multiple new armour parts for Heretic Marines (even some Legion focused like Death Guard etc.), Champion and Chapter skinsHeretic cosmetic packs, weapon skins.

Read and support also my comprehensive forum thread, which solves the number one problem in PVP, and contains the 7 Tenets, of how to improve PVP (Chaos customization is an important element from this thread): PVP number one problem, 7 Tenets of how to improve PVP

I know there won't be as complex customization for Chaos as for the Loyalist, but in PVP 50% in your gaming time you are playing Chaos/Heretic Marines, it feels they are totally neglected. Firstly remove the Class lock, so we can play as a Tactical Night Lord (in SM2 game context Talos Valcoran should be identified as a Tactical, cause his weapons are a bolter and power sword), Heavy Death Guard, Bulwark Alpha Legion.

The PVP community needs new and rare armour parts for the Chaos Marines, Champion and Chapter skins, Heretic cosmetic pack, weapon skins and customization option to make our Chaos Marines unique, this is a must have. Chaos Space Marines are the second most played faction on tabletop, so they are hundreds of tousands of SM2 players who want Chaos customization. You could have a dedicated Season Pass focusing on Chaos customization, it will be received with huge hype and applause.

Space Marine 1 Chaos customization photos:Chaos Customization.jpgChampion Pack Alpha Legion.jpgChampion Pack Death Guard.jpgChampion Pack Iron Warrior.jpg

Pictures about the big potential in Chaos customization, Champion packs, miniatures:Alpha Legion.jpg

Alpha Legion 2.jpg

Death Guard 2.jpg

Death Guard.jpg

Night Lord.png

Night Lord 2.jpg

Iron Warrior.jpg

Iron Warrior 2.jpg

Black Legion.jpg

World Eater.pngWorld Eater 2.jpg

Photos regarding Chaos weapon skins:7.png







Heretic Melta Gun.jpg

Daemon Eye Bolter Stalker Bolt Rifle.jpg

Updated an hour ago.
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2 days ago
Feb 19, 2025, 2:34:10 PM

Absolutely. I use First Claw as the no1 example of why the class lock is silly. Talos is best represented by Tactical, Uzas might be closest to Vanguard, Mercutian is of course Heavy, etc.

In my honest opinion, PvP in this game kinda... Sucks. It goes against the ethos of feeling like a Space Marine. As a Chaos player, I want to walk around as a Heretic Astartes and feel like one. That is why I really need a Chaos expansion to the Horde mode, or better yet, Operations.

Nonetheless, their insistence on not shifting on this stance on keeping Class lock and limiting customisation is a huge shot in their own foot. The first game had customisation, enough that two Death Guard players look uniquely different while recognisably Death Guard. One of the primary attractions of Chaos is their personality, they wear it on their armour (In the form of skulls, spikes, and skin, but it's an acquired taste, I suppose). And in this game, they have none. That isn't just neglect, but once more, outright dismissal of the core ethos of the faction.

Again, as a Chaos player, I can rant about it all day. Even more so how the PvP falls flat in general for more reasons than just "Not enough game modes!" or some such, but just in principle. Anyway, they truly need to revisit it, and I expect they might, but by the time they do, I fear it might be too little too late.

I'll call it here that all they deliver is more unique skins for each Class / Legion, unlockable through Prestige or what-not, but nonetheless, that's missing the point entirely.

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a day ago
Feb 20, 2025, 4:33:49 PM

We need Chaos customization, as stated, CSM are the second most played faction on tabletop, Space Marine 2 players wants this to be implemented, which means, millions of gamers are behind this idea. 

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