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4 months ago Oct 30,2024, 14:04:40 PM

Upcoming Improvements & Roadmap Update

2 083 Views

Dear Expeditions players,

Since Season 1 has been released in September, we’ve been working relentlessly on the Season 2 content while addressing community requests on quality of life improvements, UI/UX elements, and fixing bugs through multiple patches.

We’re committed to continue to bring exciting new gameplay features as each season progresses, but, after a thorough review of your feedback, we've set our priority on polishing and improving your experience in Expeditions before expanding content further.

As a result, the Season 2 content drop will be released on February 27th 2025, in order to give us extra time to focus on improving the existing game first. We currently plan two major polish updates to tackle various topics and feedback you have raised over the past months, before going ahead again with new content in upcoming seasons. While this means Year Pass owners will have to wait a little longer for Season 2, our priority right now is to ensure a better experience for everyone. 

It doesn't mean we aren't working hard on future content though, and we're happy to share that we have partnered with Mercedes to bring an exclusive, officially licensed Mercedes vehicle in Expeditions as part of the Year Pass future updates, on top of already planned content.

Please find below the list of improvements the team is working on. [STEAM ONLY] Year Pass owners will be able to beta test Season 2 in December.through the Public Beta Branch.

Quality of Life improvements and bug fixing planned in the next update. This is a non-exhaustive list:

-        Improvement Patch 1 - 12th November

- New gamepad control scheme based on SnowRunner experience (SR's scheme A)

- Possibility of truck recovery to any accessible outpost, including recovery between different maps

- Area exploration stages have been made easier: players don't have to explore hard-to-reach places to pass a stage

- Added compass on the map

- Added tips on the Customize screen, which add-on is required to install the selected add-on

- The bridges which have been built on the terrain are now displayed on the map

- New vehicle - KHAN 317 Sentinel

-        Improvement Patch 2

- Additional Quality of Life improvements. We’ll get into more detail as the release of this update draws closer.


Thanks for your continued support,

The Expeditions Team

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4 months ago
Oct 30, 2024, 3:18:54 PM


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4 months ago
Oct 30, 2024, 4:55:22 PM

Finally! New content isn't enjoyable when the game isn't finished and polished. 
I hope you guys don't do the same with Road Craft. Please open a playtest for the Road Craft community, allow the team to finish the game properly, stress test it before launch, and, if necessary, postpone the release. 
Take SM2 as an example. Once the game is released, it belongs to the community and people who paid for it, so demonstrate in the game that you guys are listening and making improvements. This SIM Series started very well with SnowRunner, but it is now falling well behind because the community don't see their feedback implemented in the game, and when we see it is already late, we give up. Wake up!

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4 months ago
Oct 31, 2024, 3:49:48 PM

Great news to some that you'll finally add Snowrunner controller scheme..

 But why only add scheme A? Please consider adding all schemes (A,B C and D) to please all players! I myself have played Snowrunner with controller scheme B so this quality of life update won't fix problem for me. Other solution would be allow players freely customise their controller scheme.

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a month ago
Jan 30, 2025, 12:26:47 PM

Lukesgame_cz napsal:

Bylo by možné přidat podporu pro volant Moza R5 Bundle? 

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