​Hey Runners! 🚚

Today’s a great day: the long awaited co-op mode is now available for free on Steam!✨

Join forces with up to 3 intrepid explorers to conquer wild environments and conduct epic scientific journeys!

Learn more details about the co-op down below!

Be assured that the Expeditions team will continue to offer you regular updates, including new game mechanics, specialists and vehicles…
You can expect announcements regarding the upcoming Season 1 later this summer. Stay tuned!

*Please note that the co-op update will arrive later this year on consoles. Thank you for your understanding and your patience.

Co-op content:


During the preparation phase, host of lobby can:

  • select a specific region.
  • choose up to 4 vehicles.
  • choose up to 3 specialists.

Host of lobby can build base modules.

Guest can:

  • select 1 vehicle during the preparation phase.
  • use base modules but not build them.
  • play content purchased by the host even if the guest did not purchase the content.

In co-op mode, players can :

  • complete any activities together

    • expeditions
    • contracts
    • tasks 
  • switch between each other's vehicles
  • exchange resources
  • receive joint rewards (upgrades, money)
  • track each other's routes on the map
  • use the quick chat system to send signals to each other to convey information.

Changes compared to the PBB:


  • The Deploy button is available when the Player re-enters the HQ after visiting the Minimap window
  • Added sounds to the Chat Wheel
  • The Chat Wheel menu is not displayed during scanning
  • Added sounds to the Party management pop-up
  • Icons for competing platforms don't appear for players in HQ
  • Fixed an Chat Wheel animation located next to the player’s name in the list


  • It is allowed to the Guest to start the tracking contracts
  • Fixed a bug that allowed private sessions to be found
  • Fixed a crash in connection with wheel damage
  • Fixed a crash if player trying to change truck in the phantom mod
  • Fixed a crash on the Guest's client after being kicked out of a co-op party
  • Fixed a crash related to the installing mods in co-op session

Known issues:

  • Spare parts become endless if they were previously given by a player with spare parts in the Sideboard
  • Guest’s bonus rewards are not displayed in the Summary screen
  • Progress towards some sticker rewards for co-operative play only counts for the player initiating the action, not for all participants
  • After adding players to the block list inside the game, they can join the session through Find and Code
  • In some cases, the Trade confirmation pop-up may fail to display the waiting spinner and a hint to cancel the request
  • The upgrade counter works incorrectly if a player who has previously received upgrades receives them again in a co-op session. Please take a note that upgrades do not disappear, only the amount in the counter is incorrect

We hope you’ll have fun exploring Expeditions together!