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Snowrunner Changes For The "Ford F750"

Tools / GadgetsVehicles

2 months ago
Jan 1, 2025, 7:48:37 PM

The Ford f750 is a truck tedious to acquire and the upgrades are time-consuming and rather difficult to find. The upgrades are absolutely necessary for it to be viable, I'm talking about the engine's "power-to-weight ratio" for it is obsolete without it. The reason I'm stretching this is because it doesn't seem rewarding when other trucks are easier to acquire and can outshine the Ford f750. 

The Scout itself is a Great truck when equipped with its upgrades but its size is one of the biggest among the scouts which is why I believe it should have a trailer hitch variation much like the Burlak 6x6 and the Eathroamers so It can pull scout fuel trailers for support on long expeditions without worry about the weight load due to its weaker engine. 

Updated 11 hours ago.
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