Hello, Everyone I hope the mods can let me report this issue here and see if anyone can come up with a solution. I have a decent set up, Nvidia 3060, Core i7-9700k, I have 32GB of RAM, running it on a SSD yet the game for some reason is only being run through the CPU? My GPU seems to not be making any of the calculations and I don't know why. 

I made sure to have my 3060 set up in the game settings as the Video Adapter, I made sure it's on the correct monitor, I even tried manually adding the game on my Nvidia app, put the nvidia GPU as preferred in my system settings and manually added the game preferences into my Nvidia Panel control and still the GPU seems to not being run through it, I have added a image on how my task manager looks like when running the game (Funnily enough if I pause the game the CPU usage drops down to like 70%, I tried playing other games to make sure it wasn't just my GPU having a recent issue I hadn't detected but nope, FFXIV was running normally with the GPU doing the work. Does anyone know how this can be fixed? Is anyone else experiencing this?