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Trying to get in touch with Focus regarding servers being down for BFGA2

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14 hours ago
Mar 5, 2025, 1:39:10 PM

Hi, so in short the MP servers for the game Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2 (Tindalos devs, Focus publisher) have been down for about a week now, with no communication or help from either Tindalos or Focus. While the game was published in 2019, it still has a small but dedicated community and still worth noting is still selling copies - despite some fairly critical issues with the game in relations to the version of Unreal Engine it uses and it not being compatible with modern Intel processors. Now Focus did try to solve this by adding a small patch not long ago, after years of silence and that was a good call, albeit not enough. Still it did help lots of people and got the community excited again with hundreds of replies to the Steam thread on the games steam page.
Now, I am basically the main modder for the game (Skalgrim Mod, which has well over 100 000 downloads so far) and I have been in contact with Focus before and actually helped out with changes implemented that lead to you guys publishing the Beta version on Steam that allowed for modded- coop/MP play, while disabling crossplay functionality. Again, this solved lots of issues some players had. During the conversations I had with your staff I was made aware that you had taken a decision to not communicate with the community/players about the games updates and changes - as you did not want people to get up hopes for updates or new content, instead I was given the task of doing the communicating to the community as one of the most known voice in it. (On the forms, social media, discord channels, via streamers content creators etc) And I gladly did this while not talking about the details or divulge any information. But, and I stress this, I was also informed that you would take a active role in solving issues with the games servers/online functions as that still was part of your sphere of influence and control, due to Tindalos not being active in the dev- aspect on the game anymore.
Thus, since I no longer have my active contact in Focus that I can talk to, I write this here hoping someone sees it and ask that you have your tech-guys look into the servers being down. You are still selling the game via Steam and GoG and while you do not have to communicate with the community, I can do that for you, I hope you can please solve this issue.
If you have any questions, I would gladly give you any help in this I can. I am a huge fan of the game and how you guys in Focus have still kept it alive. You are making money from it, maybe not much, but still - might be a easy fix on your end to continue making money a few more years from it.
/ Skalgrim

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13 hours ago
Mar 5, 2025, 2:54:12 PM

UPDATE: Just got a reply - issue might have been fixed now, consider this thread pending until I can confirm if the issues persist or not.

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