1. Logs and Wooden Planks
I see that logs are a very basic resource as it does not need to be processed by a facility. Scout bridges require the same resource as advanced wooden bridges, which leads to the question, why to build scout bridges at all. To tackle this, I would love to have the ability to turn logs into wooden planks to build advanced wooden bridges. My idea here is to have logs a resource for scout bridges, and to add wooden planks, made by sawmills, as a resource to all full scale wooden bridges. This way there is a reason to use scout bridges as they still only need logs.
2. Log Harvester controls
In the Demo it is possible to process log directly onto the Forwarder. This is only limited by the fact, that the boom cannot be manually raised to correct the loading position. The idea would be to add a control to move the boom up and down, at least once a tree is harvested and ready to be processed.
3. Log Harvester process animation
In the Demo, the tip of the partly processed tree is just dropped unprocessed. This, for some reason, feels very unsatisfying to me. I would propose that the animation continues to process the tip of the tree as well. The tip of course grands no additional resources. To compensate the longer animation, the animation's speed could be increased.
4. Processing fell trees
Around the demo map are some big trees lying around. I would love to pick these up and process them, even if they wont give any resources. I know the stump grinder is used for this task, but it feels a little weird to use it for this, which leads us to:
5. Grinding fell trees
Grinding fell trees just makes them burst after (a long) a while. It would be more fun to have them split into smaller pieces first, which have to be grinded again. To compensate the more complex task, the process of grinding could be shorter in this case.
6. Auto-Grab for log cranes
Loading logs with a crane can consume a serious amount of time, because the way the claw behaves when it is operated near the ground. I would propose a mode, similar to the wood harvester, where the claw focuses on the closest log, and grabs it in the center with the push of a key. Loading would still be manually.
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