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Take a very hard look at already released vehicles.

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6 months ago
Sep 12, 2024, 6:25:36 AM

Somewhat recently the Tatra trucks got some reworks to improve their woeful state, and now they are MUCH better to use. The Force no longer rubs it's nose in the dirt, and the Phoenix is now properly useful with it's own crane.
Many of the older trucks deserve a rework as well. Most notable the Voron D is a catastrophe in terms of weight balance. It's not only nose heavy. The center of mass is even off to one side of the vehicle. The scout 800 is a front engine truck, and yet for some reason has the majority of it's mass in the rear. Causing it to bounce and wobble around uncontrollably. There are so many vehicles which should have support for trailers, or addons, and they simply do not for some reason. This deserves attention.

All vehicles should be as flexible as reasonably possibly to encourage people to use them for as many different things as possible. Choice and variety is the flavor of this game and what makes it great. You can do the same contract 15 times. But if you use a different truck each time. The game can be replayed many times over without becoming stale.

Updated an hour ago.
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Need infos

The NEED INFO status is given by the dev team to ideas that have been evaluated as not complete or clear enough to give a relevant feedback.


DEV FCS_BExecutor

status updated 3 months ago

Hey there, while we want to avoid a "power creep" situation, where all trucks end up being able to complete all content, we still want to make most vehicles shine in specific situations.

We'd love to hear the thoughts of the community on what vehicles you feel is in need of some tune-up!


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Need infos

The NEED INFO status is given by the dev team to ideas that have been evaluated as not complete or clear enough to give a relevant feedback.


DEV FCS_BExecutor

status updated 3 months ago

Hey there, while we want to avoid a "power creep" situation, where all trucks end up being able to complete all content, we still want to make most vehicles shine in specific situations.

We'd love to hear the thoughts of the community on what vehicles you feel is in need of some tune-up!

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10 hours ago
Mar 4, 2025, 6:33:33 PM

Take another look and stab at the KOMATSU( CATERPILLAR)  770G AND 745C and add Jack Of All Trades tires  and a snorkel and Hydraulic Raised suspension. make the 745C  as tall and big as the 770G and are both articulated and can both use the container carrier  AND POSSIBLY tweak or even Create and use  the 770G TO CREATE THE 730EJ AND D35C ( WITH permission and possibly a renewal of licensing from Komatsu. adding two Brand new CAT  vehicles to a Map like say Australia  in the Western Territories and Northern Territories which are two areas of Australia with a lot of mines. Don't forget about the CAT TH357 Either and is the real life size and height of a telehandler forklift.

Caterpillar 730 EJ Specifications & Technical Data (2019-2025) | LECTURA Specs

Caterpillar D35C Specifications & Technical Data (1986-2025) | LECTURA Specs

Caterpillar TH357D telehandler specs (2017 - 2025) | LECTURA Specs

Updated 9 hours ago.
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2 months ago
Jan 2, 2025, 3:39:04 PM

I know it’s been mentioned before already but the Pacific P12 DESPERATELY NEEDS a more powerful engine. Please. The Derry family of trucks could also use a slightly more powerful engine. And as someone else said all of the trucks with only 200 liters of fuel capacity need more fuel. The International Paystar 5600TS needs a larger fuel tank as well. 

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2 months ago
Dec 30, 2024, 6:36:52 PM
  1. Tatra Force 10 speed Allison Chalmer transmission and gearbox along with the Derry Long Horn( M-170 A1)   as well as a(n)  gunrack. the gun rack would be mounted on the inside body of the cab between the Driver Seat and PASSENGER SEAT IN THE EARLIER MODLES AND maybe above the sleeper area? (This Would make the most Logical sense as all soldiers are required to keep their service rifles close to them at all times in case of enemy engagement and possible ambushes)
  2. M-747 60 tonne lowboy hauler that is wide enough to actually get the Caterpillar 770G onto and other wide and large heavy vehicles
  3. Fly Camera Drone with a 360 degree camera radius
  4.  Realistic and accurate Military colors of all NATO Countries and US AND Canada as well as the Bundeswehr and East Germany AND West Germany during the Iron Curtain Days 
  5. "Blackout" head and tail and fender and braking lights turned on with  a toggle mode 7744
  6. The PLAD 450 is a great truck, but it would also benefit from a different gearbox that is a 10-speed transmission and higher power and faster made especially for pulling extremely heavy loads or vehicles on a Lowboy M747 Gooseneck trailer as well as an Active Hydraulic raisable Suspension along with the Boar 45318 too.
  7. Tweak the Tuz Tatarin BTR so that it doesn't take any water damage as it is an AAV (Amphibious Assault Vehicle) that is specially designed to work in water of any depth and on land and can cross deep rivers by floating as well as increase the Fuel Capacity to 200 and also tweak it so that it is not a gas guzzeler and eats through your fuel reserves like crazy! As well as also make this a 10 speed Transmission.
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2 months ago
Dec 30, 2024, 4:59:01 PM

Add the unused dump-truck bed which is the Long Sideboard Bed to all trucks that are capable of using it and give the Long Sideboard bed the option to haul oversized cargo and shipping containers as well as the Firetank/Watertank too and a Fuel tank variant of the Fire Tank. Add The Container Carrier to the Caterpillar 770G,as well as the unused Dump Bed which is the Long Side-Board Bed and make the ZIKZ612H the same size as the Caterpillar 770.

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2 months ago
Dec 30, 2024, 4:48:00 PM

adding a Raised Hydraulic Suspension that you can manually raise and lower the vehicle(s) to go over rough terrain.

A total rework of the DAN96320 (aka BAZ6909) OF HERE :Russian and PLA Point Defence System Vehicles,so the vehicle can be used to haul oversized cargo or oversized shippingcontainers just like it can with the S-400 ICMB Hauleras well as add a(n) container carrier frame addon and other similar vehicles too.

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2 months ago
Dec 30, 2024, 4:36:16 PM

Well,for Instance more tires that available for all trucks with Default Mud tires like the Heavy Soviet Haulers of all Kolobs and add all Jack Of All Trades tires to these trucks that have Default Mud tires because the Soviet trucks were meant to go anywhere and over rough terrain and adding the Jack Of all Trades to tire tires options besides the Default Mud Tires benefits other maps where the truck can be used on, similar to the Azov 5319. Hell, even the ZIKS 605R which was originally a Mudrunner vehicle STILL DOES NOT HAVE OTHER TIRES SETS AND WOULD ALSO BENEFIT FROM A COMPLETE JACK OF ALL TRADES TIRE SET ADDED TO THE VEHICLE(S).

Also The Azov Antarctic is well made for Artic and Antarctic exploration and should have chained tires and a complete list of Jack Of ALL Trades Tires that adds in more tires for the vehicle(s) to be used on other maps instead of sitting unused in the garage because of the map and environment and terrain, and THIS IS WHERE I AM GETTING TO THE POINT!

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2 months ago
Dec 19, 2024, 4:51:27 AM


ANK MK38: Bigger Fuel Tank + More Addons for Civilian Version

Ankatra: Less Fuel Comsumption

Aramatsu: Snorkel

Azov 5: Bigger Fuel Tank

Azov 6: Plad or M917 Multipurpose Gearbox

Azov Arctic: More Addons

Azov Sprinter: Trailer Support if Hitch not too far in

Cat 770G: Custom Trailer, Water Tank, More Heavy Saddle Missions

Cat 745C: Water Tank Addon

Cat TH: Log Fork, Bale Handler Addons

DL4: Mass Reduction

DL Special: Always On Diff, Better Tires

EarthRoamers: Proper Duramax and Powerstroke Engine Sounds

Femm: Powerful Steer

114SD: Upgraded Engine

M916: Better Fuel Tank

HX520: Cheaper

Paystar 5070: Better Engine

T880: Nerfed Torque Values and Better Stock Tires, Maybe AWD?

Khan Marshall: Revert to Prenerf Fuel Capacity

Pacific P12: Sideboard Beds and Powerful Engine Upgrade

Pacific P16: Powerful Engine Upgrade

BM17: Diff Lock

T805: Auto Winch

T813, Force, Phoenix: Logging Addons

Wolf Pack Trucks: AWD Shafts Modeled

566A: Cheaper

Updated 2 months ago.
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3 months ago
Dec 17, 2024, 6:27:59 PM

This ideas are not only from myself:

Dual hitch like from earthroamers and Burlak for: 

- Step 33-64 Crocodile

- TUZ 108 Warthog

- TUZ 16 Actaeon

- Tatra 805

- Zikz 566A 

- Loadstar 1700 

- Ford F750

Tires with excellent mud abilities for offroad class trucks like:

- Freightliner 114SD

- Freightliner M916A1

- Royal BM17

- Step 310E

- Cat TH357 snorkel, hay bale spike

- Kenworth 963 3-slot oilfield sideboard + single spare tire

- Paystar 5070 50" wheels

- Pacific P12 71" wheels, 3-slot sideboard

Updated 17 days ago.
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3 months ago
Dec 17, 2024, 2:28:37 AM

The intention of this topic was not to improve the performance of any vehicles, necessarily. But more so to enhance versatility. Or just general polish to vehicles which have been forgotten. There are a lot of shortcomings and some aspects of older vehicles which seem to be outright errors or mistakes in the way they were implemented. If I were to make a list of basic suggestions that could be expanded upon later:

Adding trailer support to vehicles which lack trailer support. (Entirely, or under arbitrary conditions such as the Step 310's inability to use trailers when equipped with flatbed and crane.)

To add roof lighting support for trucks which lack it. Such as the Fleetstar and Paystar. Neither of these vehicles have access to roof lights, and only 1 bumper with extra lighting.

Improve handling characteristics for trucks which feel under powered. Such as the P12 and P16. Neither of these trucks are actually under powered. They simply need the mass of their wheels increased to match other very heavy trucks, and they will perform as expected.

And most importantly. Address comically bad characteristics of certain vehicles such as the Voron D and Scout 800... both of these vehicles are entirely illogical when it comes to their center of mass. Which causes the Voron D to stand up on it's nose, or the Scout 800 to simply topple over backwards when approaching any sort of steep hill. Both of these honestly feel like oversight, or mistakes outright. It's hard for me to believe anyone would do something like this intentionally.

Updated 3 months ago.
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3 months ago
Dec 16, 2024, 6:27:51 PM

-AAC-58DW : better pressure tires/bigger wheels

-Ank mk38/c : 250/300L, sideboard for civil

-Ankatra : consume too much

-Aramatsu : schnorkel !

-Azov antarctic : better stability

-Azov sprinter : spare wheels 4>2 and visual inside

-Azov 5319 : 250/300L, better direction, better stability, 

-Burlak : lower center of gravity

-Cat 745c : water tank, short log addon

-Cat 770g : 2 slot sideboard

-Cat ct680 : fix front wheels position

-Dan 96320 : higher sideboard, rear crane, short/medium log addons

-Derry 3194 : less heavy, better direction, non-permanent diff lock

-Derry 4520 : less heavy

-Derry 15c : less heavy, better own tires

-Earthroamer LTI : fix motor sound, change orange color for front bumper and side steps

-Femm : more powerful steering that suffers less from the terrain

-Freightliner M916A1 : 300L

-Futom : schnorkel

-Paystar 5070 : better stability with raised suspension

-Marshall : more weight, possitility to take trailer

-K-7M : more power

-KRS bandit : more weight

-Defender 110 : bigger wheels, remove spare wheel holder if there is none

-Defender 90 : remove spare wheel holder if there is none

-Pacific P12 : bigger wheels, fix front wheels position, more power, sideboard 2 or/and3 slots

-Pacific P16 : stronger front wheels

-Pacific P512 : 300L, AWD

-Paystar 5600 : 380L, fix front wheels position, forward facing timber crane with medium log addon

-Plad 450 : raised addons to keep rear fenders

-Rezvani hercules : hitch for trailer

-Rezvani tank : hitch for trailer, better own tires

-Royal : better stability, diff lock

-Step 310E : fix wheels position

-Step crocodile : fix front wheels position

-Step pike : add classic sideboards

-Tatra 805 : more weight/stability

-Tatra force : more power, short/medium log addons, change gauge towing module to take more different vehicles

-Tatra phoenix : low saddle, short/medium log addons

-Tatra 813 : raise towing platform (wheels colision), low saddle, roof kit without savior, short/medium log addons

-Tayga 6436 : fix front wheels

-Voron D : fix front wheels position, better stability

-Voron grad : fix front wheels position, possibility to take crane + sideboard + trailer

-Western 57x : awd modeling

-Western 47x 1424 : awd modeling

-Western 47x 1430 : awd modeling

-Twinsteer : fix front wheels position, bigger tank

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6 months ago
Sep 12, 2024, 8:34:10 AM

I support this idea, It would be nice to see some changes to base game vehicles. People still love those trucks myself included.

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4 months ago
Oct 23, 2024, 6:54:14 PM

Dingoraggazino wrote:

wreck wrote:

Fully support as well, additionally I think we should look into the pitiful fuel range of some of them. Primarily anything with around 200L.

Freightliner M916A1 could definetly use a buff, it's an amazing truck which I love to use, but you have to refuel it like every 20 minutes, which cripples it's usage seriously

All of the large 200L trucks need a look, for sure. Most of them burn excessive amounts of fuel, even compared to similar counterpart trucks, while having 50-100L less capacity.
IMO, consumption can be high. As long as there is capacity there to support it. There's nothing wrong with a truck being expensive to run. But if it doesn't run for at least 15 minutes without support from a fuel carrier. Then it just gets tedious to use that vehicle.

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4 months ago
Oct 23, 2024, 6:49:34 PM

wreck wrote:

Fully support as well, additionally I think we should look into the pitiful fuel range of some of them. Primarily anything with around 200L.

Freightliner M916A1 could definetly use a buff, it's an amazing truck which I love to use, but you have to refuel it like every 20 minutes, which cripples it's usage seriously

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4 months ago
Oct 19, 2024, 5:33:16 PM

I second! Some oldies have some atrocious design flaws... For example the poor Transtar 4070A is unusable with any of its non-stock front bumpers because it's plowing dirt and taking random damage even on a smooth straight road. I also agree that the Voron D balance issues have to be looked at.

Trucks with abysmal fuel tanks could get purchasable fuel tank upgrades in the garage that we can buy the same way as we change drivetrains for example.

Like for example after reaching level 15 we could unlock extended fuel tanks or something like that.

More options for racks carrying extra fuel and parts on some old trucks that don't yet have them would be a welcome addition. They could also have a level based unlock.

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5 months ago
Oct 4, 2024, 3:43:15 AM

Nacht wrote:

​The Fleetstar, Paystar, all of the Voron trucks, Cat CT 680, Step 310E, Royal BM17, and GMC MH9500 could definitely use a Tuned Custom suspension option as well. The only non-scout trucks that have it, that I remember, are the ANK MK38 and GMC Brigadier 8000.

suspensions should have an option to tune in game, would save people hours editing xml

Updated 5 months ago.
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5 months ago
Oct 3, 2024, 2:22:30 PM

Fully support as well, additionally I think we should look into the pitiful fuel range of some of them. Primarily anything with around 200L.

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5 months ago
Sep 30, 2024, 8:27:56 PM

ArionEquus wrote:

I'm not even sure the vehicles need new upgrades. Just... make them a little more flexible, or work a little better. In the same way they approached the Tatra vehicles. Just fix them so they work without any annoying quirks, or arbitrary limitations. The only things that come to mind when I think of upgrades is better engine for US old scouts, to add light bars to the Fleetstar/Paystar, and give the Paystar a slightly better engine. That's about it imo.

The Fleetstar, Paystar, all of the Voron trucks, Cat CT 680, Step 310E, Royal BM17, and GMC MH9500 could definitely use a Tuned Custom suspension option as well. The only non-scout trucks that have it, that I remember, are the ANK MK38 and GMC Brigadier 8000.

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6 months ago
Sep 15, 2024, 4:33:17 AM

Nextej wrote:

Perhaps to not mess up with the difficulty of the base game, the new upgrades should be +25/30 lvl to unlock? Or lock those new upgrades in the new regions.

I'm not even sure the vehicles need new upgrades. Just... make them a little more flexible, or work a little better. In the same way they approached the Tatra vehicles. Just fix them so they work without any annoying quirks, or arbitrary limitations. The only things that come to mind when I think of upgrades is better engine for US old scouts, to add light bars to the Fleetstar/Paystar, and give the Paystar a slightly better engine. That's about it imo.

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6 months ago
Sep 13, 2024, 6:42:28 PM

Perhaps to not mess up with the difficulty of the base game, the new upgrades should be +25/30 lvl to unlock? Or lock those new upgrades in the new regions.

Updated 6 months ago.
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