1. The LP-4 logging crane is apparently designed for combining with the long log trailer, but most trucks can't have both together, even when they got enough space.

2. Instead of a medium logging frame and a separate small one, I think there should be only one logging frame, because when you can load medium logs, short logs loaded in the same frame are no problem. The same with the medium log trailer. And by placing the hitch at the very back of the frame it would be easier to turn with a trailer, like the flatbed of Kenworth T880.

3. For base game trucks there is no crane for medium and short logs. I'm missing one at the back of the logging frame like in Mudrunner, so you can load the truck and a trailer. The Mack Pinnacle got its own which is great, but what's with the other trucks?MAN-TGS-33-520-6X6-Euro6e-LogLift-165-Z-Deutschland_41966_3527472108407.jpg
