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I've noticed inconsistent damage with ground pound, there have also been Reddit posts showing it doing no damage at all
I've seen inconsistent results with extreme enemies as well, this is all based on the assumption that they have 520 HP at Lethal level. The examples I have clips of are as follows. With the 100% added damage to ground pound perk and weapon damage has 40-50% bonus against majors and 75-85% against extremes using the block thunder hammer.
example 1: Ground pound a lictor, then hit it with 3 light combos to incapacitate. = 533 damage?
example 2: Ground pound a ravenor with 2 stacks of adrenaline surge, then hit with 1 light combo, then another light combo with 2 stacks of adrenaline surge, then a ground slam to get incapacitate. = 623? plus whatever surge stacks add.
There have also been multiple times I've ground pounded packs of Majors and only 1 gets incapacitated, when pre-patch 6.0 the whole pack would have been, even with the 50% AoE reduction.
My math could be completely wrong but still thought it was worth bringing up since I've seen other complaints about it.