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As the title suggests, certain voice lines are not triggering. I am not sure if this is horrendous RNG on my part but this is what I have cataloged so far:
(KSIVA: abc45)
Vox Liberatis | Chaos Temple with the Sorcerer
When the altar is destroyed the operations squad has a line for when 1) the sorcerer reappears to fight or 2) the sorcerer does not reappear to fight. Vespasius only says the line for when the sorcerer appears even when the sorcerer does not. Scipius does the opposite where he only says the line for when the sorcerer does not appear.
Ballistic Engine | Sandstorm checkpoint
At the very first checkpoint where the munitions dump building is entered, the squad has a line to say about leaving the sandstorm. Valius only repeats a line for when the sandstorm is kicking up again. This problem is also compounded with voice lines with the sandstorm kicking up is said during the mission's intro dialogue where there is a unique voice line for when the storm picks up for the first time. Valius, Quartus, and Scipius only repeat a line from when a sandstorm picks up regularly instead of a unique one.
Termination | Charging generators during the Hierophant fight
Every squadmember have 3 lines to say when they finish charging the generator. Decimus only says two of his three lines "Generator charging" and "Done" so far, no third line.
To a lesser extent there are voice lines that are incredibly rare to come across that do trigger but are usually cut off.
Decapitation | Swarm section
When the gaunts start reaching the top of the walls, the cadian commander points this out. After that, the cadian commander can also chime in to say "Guns up, they're still coming" or "They're piling up, get a frag in there" and the present squadmates have a line to say. If they're on the Bridge, their line is immediately cut off by Acheron chiming in while these lines barely have a chance to even show up as subtitles if the swarm flank the roofs.
Fall of Atreus | Crane operation
If the squad fails to find the 2nd console in time, someone will chime in to say to restart the generator but said line is immediately cut off by another dialogue.