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The following ordeals fail to increment:
Death Launch: No progress incremented when trying to "...assist a Squad Member in killing an enemy." Seems to increment when earning the kill with the Grapnel.
Kill Score: No progress incremented when meeting the condition. I have counted out loud up to 5 for unmistakable kills that meet the condition, sometimes up to 10-15 in a single match. The on-screen notification displayed when using a melta bomb while cloaked. I have melta bombed many times but no progress. Stuck at 4.
Shredding Shrapnel: This ordeal is too strict! I have seen double kills register from a single frag but no progress is incremented. The tiers should be reduced to 5, 10, 15; or leave at 5, 15, 30 and reduce the condition to a single kill (not double kills). The condition could also be changed to "Kill 2 or more enemies with frag grenades and any other weapon." This would have players using frags naturally and going for multi kills.
Overall, it feels like there is a general bug regarding ordeal progress for Eternal War. From my perspective as a player, it feels good to know when I meet the condition in the ordeal. Similar to when a melta bomb goes off and I see 4 rows in the kill log, or I fire the Bolt Sniper and see 2 rows in the kill log; the feeling is just amazing. It would be a big improvement if the notifications could display for each time a condition is achieved (including do x y times to earn 1 increment). It's hard to tell if I understand the condition without more immediate feedback. I'd also like to say that highly circumstantial conditions are not fun to achieve more than a couple times. In fact, they are not fun if they are not natural to the gameplay. Please consider that these conditions can cause stress if they are needing the stars to align and the player just hopes for luck.
Thanks for reading. Back to the launch bay for me! -Aeon